[12.] the roar

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"That is one creepy woman."

We were half-way through the movie, and needless to say... Dominic was enjoying himself. One thing I found quite surprising was that Dominic talks a lot during movies.

A lot.

He was almost a different person.

"They're singing again?"

I laughed, kicking my legs up onto the table in front of me. "It's called a musical for a reason."

Dominic leaned back in the sofa.

Then, Simba, who was laying beside him, butted his head against Dominic and curled up on his lap. And, no joke, he stayed there. Dominic didn't even have to summon him by doing the 'pspsps' thing that all cat owners know about.

I frowned at Simba.


He blinked twice at me, then sighed in contentment.

And the cat slept for the rest of the movie. Dominic made comments like, "I like that guy" and "I don't like her" and "So he didn't die?"

I had to explain to him that the guy in the movie did die, but the girl brought him back to life.

Dominic frowned at that.

The thing is, he did not laugh or smile for the entire movie. Not that he would anyway. The guy's a robot. An emotionless robot trapped in a human's body.

The credits finally rolled, and I awaited his opinion.

Dominic yawned and stroked Simba's fur. For a while, he said nothing at all. He just kept petting the cat, and he yawned again. Then, he must've sensed my stare because he turned my way.

He stared back. "What?"

"How did you like it?"

"Oh." Dominic shrugged. "I mean, it was okay."


He thought my all-time favourite and absolute star of a movie was OKAY? Is this... is this possible?

He must've sensed my disappointment because he quickly said, "No, it was good. I'll probably show this to my mom because I know she'll love it."

"Or," I said, grabbing the empty popcorn bowl from the table. "she's already seen it because she's a normal human being who actually knows what Disney is." Then, I smiled to let him know I was joking around and placed the empty bowl in the sink.

He gently shoved Simba off his lap. "No. If she knew, then she would have told me by now."

I shook my head in disappointment as I opened the medicine cabinet and took out an Advil tablet. Filling a cup with water, I whispered to myself, "Begone, headache," and popped the pill in my mouth before gulping it down with water.

I collapsed onto the couch with a sneeze.

Dominic dusted Simba's fur off his clothes before shifting away from me.

"So, what's your mom like?" I asked.

Dominic's hand rubbed the side of his face thoughtfully. "She's... nice."

"That's it?"

"Well, she owns the café by the school."

My eyes widened, and I immediately thought of that familiar woman I saw at the café when I was with Cal. No wonder she looked familiar. She looked just like Dominic!

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