[9.] four sneezes

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I would almost say that Arnold and Brittany are a good couple. He's tall, she's short. He's good-looking, she's pretty. He's popular, she's popular.

I say 'almost' because there is one teensy-weensy little issue.

Arnold is an absolute jerk.

Brittany is an absolute angel.

She deserves better. WAY better. Like, if the weird kid John dated Brittany, he would treat her a hundred times better than Arnold. And that's saying something.

"I like your outfit," Brittany said, giving me a sweet, soft smile.

I looked down at my outfit because I forgot what I was wearing. Then, I looked at her again and flashed her a grin. "Thank you so much! I love yours!"

And I did.

She had a cool style. She wore a longer dress with a square neckline and a hem that reached down to her mid-shin. The pattern looked very colourful, almost retro style. It was different. But cool.

She could wear any outfit and still look beautiful.

After meeting Brittany, I felt a little more at ease. We all agreed to first shop for a while instead of going straight to the food court.

So, our first store was a men's clothing store because Arnold needed another leather jacket.

Because his other fifteen jackets weren't enough.

"How does this extremely expensive leather jacket look on me, Babe?" Arnold asked, posing while holding a jacket identical to the one he was wearing. He flashed her a charming smile that many would faint over.

"Like barf."

Is what I said under my breath.

Brittany had a faint blush over her freckled cheeks, sending her boyfriend a small smile. "It looks really good," she said softly.

I turned to Cal beside me. He concentrated his attention on a couple shirts folded on a table. He lifted one up, then shook his head and plopped it back on the table without folding it again.

I stared at the crumpled shirt.

As I folded it nicely again, I asked, "How would you like a leather jacket?"

His back was toward me as he fiddled through a rack of clothes. "Nah. Leather doesn't suit me." Then, he turned around and smirked. "Or do you prefer the 'bad boy' look?"

I cringed, picturing Cal with a cigarette dangling from his mouth leaning on a fancy motorcycle with girls fawning all over him, like all those cliché bad boys out there.

We already have one Arnold.

We don't need another one.

"No thanks, I prefer the way you are," I said.

Cal laughed and took a couple shirts off the rack. "Okay, I'll try these on. I won't be long."

Suddenly, it was just Brittany and I alone in the men's store.

"Is Arnold also trying stuff on?" I asked her.

She nodded and tucked her shoulder length chestnut hair behind her ears, showing large golden hoop earrings. Then, her eyes caught on a folded hoodie on a display table, and her whole face lit up. "I love big hoodies," she said, walking towards the table.

I joined her. "Why don't you get one?"

Brittany ran her hand over a soft grey hoodie. "Should I?"

"It's the perfect season for it."

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