[13.] cat wink

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Dominic's POV ~


"Dude, I just found this random Reese's Pieces bag in the hall..."

"Girl, Arnold looked at me today! I think he likes meeee!"

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

"I think a cat is in our school..."

Sighing, I placed my earbuds in my ears and raised the music volume to block out the annoying voices in the library. I tried to focus on the words of the book I was reading.

"Hey," I heard a whisper, "the freak is in the library... I don't think we should go near him."

I looked at the source of the voice. He was a small fellow, probably a sophomore, with skinny arms and legs. He saw me looking at him, gulped and quickly looked away.

I slammed shut my book in mild frustration. A girl looking at the shelves jumped and shot me a scared look.

I avoided her eyes, but I said, "Sorry."

The girl gave me a weak smile and stammered off some random stuff before running out of the library. I watched her leave, then looked at my hands which were shaking a bit.

Why can't I just be a normal guy?

After a moment's silence, I sighed and leaned my head on my hands. I glanced at the time on my phone.

The busses leave in five minutes.

"No way! A cat? In our school?"

Oh, well, there's something to keep me entertained.

I glanced behind me at the group of people talking excitedly, and I paused my music to hear their conversation better.

"Yeah, Holden told me. Said it was seen by the janitor room."

I jumped up, making the group look at me weirdly. My face grew hot, but I left the library to look for the cat.


I like cats.

The warning bell rang, meaning that the busses are going to leave soon. I looked at the door that leads to outside, then down the hall, then at the door again. I shrugged.

I could walk to the café.

Students flooded the hallways, so I pulled my hood over my head. I walked past, but I noticed that people made a circle around me. I made eye-contact with a few people, but no one whispered "freak" under their breath.

Which was surprising.

"Is Cal in the gym yet?"

I turned my head to the familiar voice. Two of Amaya's brothers were peeking around the corner inside the gym. One of them looked around and groaned.

"Ugh, where's that idiot?"

"Yeah, Theo's supposed to be here by now with the keys..."

"I didn't mean that idiot, idiot!"

I was about to go up to them, but I paused when my chest clenched with nerves. Even though whatever they were doing seemed kind of fun, I couldn't bring myself to talk to them.

Suddenly, I caught sight of a tail peeking out of the janitor's closet.

A black cat.

"Mew," it said, staring at me with very, very golden eyes.

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