[6.] she's single

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His muscles bulged as his hand plummeted mine to the ground.

I gazed into his beautiful dark brown eyes and sighed. "You beat me," I admitted. My face fell, and I stared at the floor in defeat.

May The Powerful was no more.

He lifted my chin and searched my eyes. "Oh, May. If you practice harder, you'll have muscles like me."

"Like you?" I gasped. "But your muscles are like rock."

I reached out to touch his arm. His muscles flexed under my touch, and I looked at him. His face was so close... so close.

"But May," he said. He leaned even closer to me, then placed his mouth close to my ear. His warm breath whispered, "I am The Rock."

"Oh, Dwayne," I breathed out.

I was... breathless.

No, I actually was.

As I struggled for air, Dwayne Johnson disappeared and was replaced with something heavy on my face. I opened my eyes and came face-to-face with ginger fur.


Shooting up from my pillow, I spit and coughed out fur. Simba tumbled to the floor with a loud 'clunk'. He shook himself which sent dust into all directions, gave me a dirty glare, and waddled away with his tail high in the air.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. What a weird dream.

Wait, what dream?

I sat in my bed and stared at my white wall. While I tried to remember the dream, I kept rubbing my itchy eyes. To make matters worse, my eyes got even more itchy. Then, my nose started to twitch.

Ah, dang it.

"What happened to you?" Theo asked when I entered the kitchen. He flipped a pancake into the air and sighed when it went 'splat' onto the floor.

I sniffed miserably. "Simba happened."

The corners of Theo's mouth quirked up at my misery as he picked the pancake from the floor. "You look kind of funny."

I glared at him through my half-lidded eyes.

"Mornin' lady and gent," Bailey said, waltzing into the kitchen. He grinned at me. "Looks like you had a great sleep."

I hammered my fist into his shoulder as I walked past him.

Bailey hissed and rubbed his shoulder. "Mom! May punched me!"

"Mom's at work," I said, grabbing a plate from the cupboard. Just then, Cameron came into the kitchen.

"Cameron! May punched me!" Bailey whined again.

Cameron gave me a thumbs up.

I poured syrup all over my pancake and stuck my tongue out at Bailey. I slammed the bottle onto the table and shoved the whole pancake into my mouth in one go, earning disgusted looks from all my brothers.

I sighed, sniffed, and sneezed before putting my dishes into the sink. I slowly made my ways upstairs to get ready, but I stopped when I heard the boys talk among themselves.

"Her allergies are at it again."

"Should we get rid of Simba? May is getting way too grumpy these days."

I heard a loud 'thud' and a bunch of plates clanking together. Chairs squeaked across the floor.


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