[5.] pulchritudinous hair

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The moon shone through the trees, and the stars sparkled in the night sky as him and I looked at each other.

He stared at me.

I stared at him.

My heart was pounding. My mouth turned into a smile of disbelief, and I rubbed my eyes underneath my glasses.

It can't be him, can it?

Finally he opened his mouth.


Tears of happiness and allergies gleamed in my eyes as I ran up to him with my arms open wide.

"Simba!" I screamed, scooping the cat in my arms.

In a flash, Bailey was outside with me. He looked at me in disbelief, and then at Simba.

"Simba?" he squeakily whispered. "Simba?" he whispered louder, reaching out his hands shakily. He stumbled closer to me, then yelled "Simba!" Bailey yanked him out of my arms.

Bailey whooped and howled as he held Simba high into the air, doing the famous Lion King pose.

"Simba's alive! Simba's alive, everybody!" he exclaimed, swinging the struggling cat around.

I sneezed happy sneezes.

Cameron looked outside and his eyes lit up at the sight of Simba and ran to pet him.

Theo peeked his head outside to see what was going on. "Oh, Simba's back? Cool." And he went back inside.

Brynn stood by the door. "Anyone want more popcorn?"

Finally, for the sake of the neighbours, we went back inside the house.

Simba plopped into his cat bed and let out a big yawn. He looked as healthy and clean and fat as ever; nothing looked out of the ordinary, which was strange.

Very strange.

No indoor cat could survive that long outside... especially Simba who is the least outdoorsy cat I know.

But hey. He's back.

And so are my allergies.


Bailey sat on the floor beside him and stroked Simba's ginger fur. "Were you scared out there without me?" he said in a baby voice.

Cameron let out a heavy sigh as he sank into the couch. "I think he's more scared now that he's seeing your ugly face."

Theo snickered.

Bailey scoffed. "Everyone knows I'm way better looking than both of you combined," he said, gesturing to his identical brothers.

Theo rolled his eyes and grabbed a book from the side table, then flipped it open to the end. He frowned in concentration as he scanned over the last page. Then, he threw it on the floor, saying something about it being a bad ending.

"We look the same," Cameron said matter-of-factly. 

"Oh, please. My hair is more gorgeous than your lowly peasant hair." Bailey dramatically ran his fingers through his hair, smiling his signature sparkly smile.

Soon, the three of them started arguing about whose hair looks the best.

"My hair is more luscious than yours."

"My hair is more luxurious than both of yours."

"Well, my hair is more pulchritudinous than both of you combined."

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