[4.] no boys, no drama

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Ripping my hair out really hurt.

But I kept an optimistic smile as Cal walked up to me. He usually lets me know when he visits me, but this was a nice surprise.

My smile didn't last long, though, when I realized Cal was NOT happy.

"May, what the... how could you?"

Why, hello to you too.

I frowned. "How could I what?"

Maybe he was joking. He sometimes fakes being mad around me for a joke... but his blue eyes held a look of betrayal. Real betrayal. Real anger. He was mad for real. And I mean, he was really mad.

Um... why was he mad tho—ooooh.


Dominic and I...

Heads semi-close...

"No, no, no, no!" I said, waving my hands in front of my face. "No! Nothing happened, Cal."

Dominic ignored us. Instead, he put his earphones in his ears, nodded farewell to me, and walked past me, Cal, and my house. Soon, he was out of sight.

Thanks for the help, Dominic.

But I guess if I was him, I also wouldn't want to be caught between an angry boyfriend and a weird girl.

I'm honestly surprised Cal hadn't wet his pants seeing the gang leader of the school. His attention was solely on me, and his expression told me that he did not believe a word I said.

"Cal, I'm serious," I said, lightly touching his arm.

He shrunk his arm away from me. "I know what I saw! You were kissing the freak!"

"Don't call him a freak." I narrowed my eyes. "And no, I wasn't 'kissing' him. My hair got stuck in his zipper and he tried to take it out."

"You're expecting me to believe that? You are literally sticking up for the freak!" He changed his voice as he imitated me, "'Don't call him a freak'."

He was mocking me.

I flinched. Cal was acting unusual. I've never seen him so... cold and mean. Skeptical. Because of a misunderstanding. He didn't believe me, and I grew desperate.

"I did nothing! I would never imagine cheating on you, Cal!"

"Clearly you did!"

"I thought you trusted me!"

"I did!" he exclaimed. "But now I realize what a mistake that was."

A slap in the face. He hurt me. Not physically, thankfully, but his words stung. Really stung. I clenched my fists tightly.

"You saw it all wrong!" I said. "I did nothing!"

"I know what I saw!"

"And I know what I did!" My voice cracked as I shouted.


I took a deep breath and tried to be calm and reasonable. "Look Cal, I did nothing. But it's obvious you don't believe me, so I think it's best if you leave. Just until you are ready to trust me again."


"Goodbye, Cal. See you at school tomorrow."

His breathing hitched as he stared at me, his eyes hard. He slowly turned his heel toward his car. After a long moment, he whipped around and threw up his hands. "All I wanted was to surprise you! And what do I see when I show up at your house?"

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