[7.] awkward ducks

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"A poem? Why would someone write you a poem?" I asked.

Brynn stared at the paper in my hands. "They suck at writing poems. Roses are red? Really? How original is that?"

"Aw, they probably tried so hard."

"No they didn't."

I folded the paper and handed it back to Brynn, who tucked it in her pocket.

"Who could your secret admirer be?" I asked. I got an idea, so I ran to the kitchen and opened the junk drawer, pulling out a pen and a notepad. Settling back in the living room, I scribbled SUSPECTS on the top of the notepad.

May The Detective, Special Edition — starring in theatres today.

"Okay, there's Peter," I said, writing the name down.

Brynn frowned. "Peter?"

"Yeah. He asked for your number two years ago."

"That was two years ago."

"It still counts!" I said, giving her a pointed look. "Oh! And there's Leo. I caught him staring at you for a very long time."


"Last month."

Brynn's eye twitched. "I never liked that creep."

I tapped the pencil as I looked at the two suspects on the paper. Then, I wrote four more down.

"Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They all asked you out at least once. John did twice, but we don't talk about that."

"Three times, actually."

I scrunched my nose. Brynn mirrored my expression.

Chewing thoughtfully on the tip of the pen, I stared at the notepad.

Simba joined us and rubbed his head on Brynn's ankle. She reached over and picked him up, setting the cat on her lap. Simba tolerates Brynn the best. I'm second on the list.

"Oh! What about the Miles guy in your homeroom class? He's pretty cute," I said, snapping my fingers.

Brynn shook her head. "Miles liked me for a time, but now I see him around with a girlfriend. June, was it?"

My eyes brightened. "Right! They're a cute couple."

But something was seriously bothering me. We got all our suspects down, but I couldn't help but feel like we were missing someone.

I shrugged it off.

It was probably not important.

I put a star next to John's name because he seems like the only guy who would write cheesy love poems to Brynn. My hopes were dashed to the ground.

She would never date him.

Not that I blame her.

"Oh! Dominic!" I exclaimed, writing it down.

Brynn grabbed the pen from my hands and scribbled out his name. "Absolutely not. Dominic never jokes around like that."

"For a joke? No, I meant for real."

She stopped petting Simba and stared at me like I was growing another head. "He is my—"

I gasped loudly and jumped from my seat. "CAMERON!"

"What? He would never write poems—"

I cut her off. "Not for writing poems! I'll be right back."

I ran upstairs to Cameron's room. His door was wide open, his neat bed and spotless desk the only things in his room. My brother was no where in sight.

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