(1) The First Day

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Peter was young, 3 years old & he didn't remember much of his time there, but he did recall sharing an old room with a lot of kids, the wood was rotted, there was a broken window, he slept on a disgusting bed, & it was cramped in the orphanage.

But then he remembered meeting Tony & Pepper, they were trying to adopt & stumble across Peter. Truth be told they were looking for a girl, but when Tony laid his eyes on Peter's dirty young face he knew that he already loved that kid & it didn't take much convincing from Tony to persuade Pepper into adopting the young boy.

Then a month later, Peter was placed into their home. Eight more months later & he was now a permanent resident.

Peter lived with Tony & Pepper, even when he didn't feel comfortable at first. He'd done this before, he's been adopted before when he was just a newborn, but he was returned after the couple couldn't take care of Peter anymore.

He didn't remember his first adopted parents, but he never felt at home since. Everywhere he went he felt like he was out of place & would be returned like an oversized sweater to the mall, & even though he was now 4, he still felt this way.

But Tony & Pepper would never do that to Peter, they tried as hard as any parents would make their kid feel welcomed. They through Peter huge birthday parties, took Peter with them everywhere they went, kissed Peter goodnight every night, & they would even spoil him.

They loved Peter very much, no matter how difficult Peter was. He was, what some would say, a needy child. He'd cry when one of his parents left without him, whine when no one could play with him, he was very stubborn for a toddler, & he would scream when things didn't go his way.

The doctors called it separation anxiety, but Peter just said he hated being alone, which confused Tony & Pepper, because they never left his side. So when Peter turned six, Pepper & Tony gave Peter a new brother: Harley, he was not even a younger than Peter.

Tony & Pepper wanted another child anyway, ever since they were burdened with the news that they couldn't conceive a child of their own. Yet, when Peter turned 10 & Harley turned 9, Tony & Pepper broke the news that the boys were going to have a sister in a few months.

Pepper & Tony had the child two months after Peter's 11th birthday. They named the child after Pepper's uncle Morgan after he just recently passed away.

---Present Day (September 4, 2016)---

Now Peter is 16 & a sophomore at his new school: Midtown High, School of Science & Technologies. Harley was 15 & just starting his freshman year.

It was Peter & Harley's first day of school, summer vacation just ended, & they were in a rush because they were running late.

"Dad, we're running late", Peter yelled as he & Harley started running through the large house to the kitchen. "Can you have Happy pull around front"?

They briefly stopped in the kitchen to grab a slice of toast & started running to the door. But Tony stopped them.

"It's okay, the new school doesn't start for another 30 more minutes", Tony said after he stepped in front of his sons. He turned Peter & Harley around & pointed them to the breakfast table.

The two sat down & started to eat the breakfast Pepper had prepared. Pepper made scrambled eggs with bacon, toast, & some mixed fruit. They also had a glass of orange juice each.

"Well we don't really have time to eat, we have to find our lockers & our classes", Harley said. "Then I have to go down to the office to join the robotics club".

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