(17) Our Mojo

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Peter wakes up to the annoyance of his alarm clock blaring in his ear, he threw his hand over the snooze button before he rolled over & closed his eyes for a very much needed five more minutes of sleep. His alarm went off at 5:30 AM.

He rested his eyes & exhaled relief, but his eyes shot open as he realized what day it was.

He bounced up from his bed & walked to his bathroom. Today was the day of his plan, everything he did today was carefully calculated over later nights & phone calls with Ned & Betty that lasted hours. Peter considered that he put a little too much into this day, but it would be worth it.

He jumped in the shower for 20 minutes, he waited for today to take a shower so he could look as good as he possibly could.

He stepped out of the shower & dried himself off as quickly as possible, then walked to his closet. He pulled a white t-shirt over his wet head & pulled it over his naked torso, throwing a button up blue & white plaid shirt over top, brown khakis over his boxers, & his white shoes with the black Nikes logo.

He walked back to his bathroom, he placed a comb in one hand & a hair dryer in the other. He slicked his hair up & swiped it to the side.

He looked at himself in the mirror as he placed the comb & hair dryer down

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He looked at himself in the mirror as he placed the comb & hair dryer down.

"You got this, you got this", Peter chanted to hype himself up. "You got this, you got this, you're awesome, you got this".

He walked out of his bedroom & walked down to the dining room at 6:00 AM.

"What are you doing up so early", Tony asked? He took a sip of his coffee & placed the mug down as he waited for his son to respond.

"I have a big day ahead", Peter said as he opened the fridge & grabbed the orange juice. He poured himself a glass.

"Yeah", Pepper asked? "What's going on"?

"It's nothing", Peter said as he chugged the orange juice.

"Does this have something to do with Michelle", Tony asked?

Peter turned around as he popped some bread into the toaster.

He smiled as he heard the question. He replied, "Yeah".

"Son, can you sit down", Tony said, he took another sip of his coffee.

"What's going on", Peter said as he hesitantly sat down. This wasn't part of his plan, but Ned wouldn't be there to pick him up in four minutes & his breakfast wasn't done cooking, so he had some time to spare.

"What's going on with you & Michelle", Tony asked? He sat up straight in his chair as he waited for Peter to reply. Tony & Pepper seemed anxious about something.

"It's nothing serious, right now, but I really like her", Peter said as a small smile plastered on his face. Peter noticed the face of discomfort on his parent's face. "What's going on"?

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