(8) An Intimate Get Together

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Harry was going to stay the week with Peter & his family at their house, but he was staying in the guest bedroom for the remainder of the weekend since Ned was staying in Peter's room until he has to go home on Sunday.

He would usually stay with Peter, but Ned was staying with Peter until Sunday. They used to always share a room whenever the other came over, since they were little they would stay together.

It all started when Harry came to visit Peter, this was shortly after Tony & Pepper had adopted Harley. But at the time Tony, Pepper, Peter, & Harley still lived in the Stark tower, so Peter & Harley already shared a bedroom.

So when Harry came to stay the night, he had shared a room with the two, at such a young age Harry & Peter were able to fit on a queen-size bed. And even as they grew up they would sleep in a bed together, not that either cared, they just were that close to one another.

But that wasn't the case for the night. Harry woke up from the sound of people outside his door at 8 AM. He sat up in the guest bed, his eyes were closed as he rubbed his hands over the eyes & through his hair.

The blanket sat on Harry's waistline as his naked abdomen froze in the cold air of the room. He hunched over while sitting up, causing rolls over the abs covering his stomach.

Harry sighed as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed & started to get up. He quickly threw on a shirt & a pair of pants that Peter let him borrow, he walked into the living room & saw everyone talking to one another.

"Call us if you need anything, Morgan is coming with us to Hong Kong until Wednesday, so you four are responsible for yourselves, make sure you call us before you have anyone over & please don't burn the house down", Pepper said, she was talking to her two sons, Ned, & Harry. "Make sure you keep the house clean, Happy will be checking up on you guys every once in a while, & I left a hundred dollars for food".

"Mom, don't worry, we'll be fine", Peter said as he started walking her to the door. Tony & Morgan were waiting at the door with their luggage.

"We can take care of ourselves, but you need to go before you miss your flight", Harley said as he walked with them. Harry & Ned followed behind.

"Okay, we're leaving, love you, bye", Pepper said as she started to walk out the door.

"Love you, bye", Tony & Morgan yelled as they walked out the door. Harry nudged Peter with his elbow, Peter quickly walked up to his family before they shut the door & left.

"Is it okay if I have some friends over tonight, we need to study for our first decathlon meet", Peter asked as he stood in the door, he covered his guilt of lying with a cheerful, innocent, & nerdy smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, who is all coming", Tony asked? He turned to talk to Peter as pepper & Morgan were getting into the limo.

"Just the decathlon team", Peter said, his smile turned into an awkward stair & straight smile.

"Yeah", Tony agreed, he didn't mind. Tony was Peter's age once, so he knew he would through a party even if he had said no. "Just make sure nothing is stolen, stay out of my good wines, & if your mother finds out then I had no idea about it".

"Promise", Peter said, he hugged his father before going back inside.

Tony rushed back to the limo & they drove off to the airport.

"Soooooooo...", Harley asked as Peter shut the door.

Peter nodded & smiled. He still felt guilty for lying to his mother, but Peter wasn't the only one holding guilt.

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