(18) The Perfect Homecoming

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A/N: The book will be coming to an end at part 21, it will read part 20 in the chapter title though.

"What's the plan after tonight", Tony asked? He lent Peter an old suit of his. Pepper & Tony were sitting in Peter's room as Peter dressed in the closet. "Are you coming home? Is there an after party? Going to Michelle"?

"I'll be coming straight back here after Happy drops her & my other friends off at their homes", Peter yelled from his closet as he buttoned up the white dress shirt. "Do you know where my purple tie went"?

"It's out here", Pepper said as she got up & handed Peter the tie.

Peter stepped out of the closet as he started to tie his tie.

"How do I look", Peter asked as he put his arms to the side.

"Amazing", Tony & Pepper said simultaneously.

"You think she'll like it", Peter asked? Tony noticed Peter's hands & breath were shaky.

"Peter, don't be nervous", Tony said as he stood up & approached his son. "She'll love it, you know why? Because you got my charm & no one can resist that".

"Oh my god", Peter laughed as he walked back into the closet.

"Where are you going", Pepper asked?

"I don't know, I'm freaking out", Peter said as he walked back out of his closet & started pacing the room. "Anything can happen tonight, there could be another alien attack or a freak asteroid, with my luck, the school could be run over by some super villain".

"Peter breathe, nothing is going to happen", Pepper said as she rubbed his arms. "Now, you are going to take Michelle out for dinner, take her to the dance, & come home. Just like you planned, nothing bad is going to happen tonight".

"Yeah", Peter asked? Pepper & Tony encouragingly nodded. "Alright, when does MJ, Ned, & Betty get here"?

"Oh, they've been here for ten minutes", Tony said.

"What", Peter asked? He was in complete shock. "Why wouldn't you tell me this earlier, instead of letting me be up here freaking out".

"Then go", Pepper said as she stepped aside to let Peter by. Peter quickly headed for the stairs, his nervousness only grew bigger with every step. He could feel his throat closing up, his hands shook, & his breath shaking.

He briefly paused just before he reached the top of the spiral staircase.

"You got this", Peter reinsured himself as he wiped his sleeves & continued down the stairs.

He could hear chatter & laughter as he descended down the stairs, he turned his head slightly to the left & he saw her, in that brief second his nerves cleared, his hands stiffened, his breath returned to normal, his heartbeat quickened, & the world went. He was stunned.

His parents, who were swiftly following Peter as he descended the stairs, saw the exact moment Peter found what he was looking for.

But just as quickly as the tidal wave of relief came over, it was gone just as quick. His nerves settled back in just as quick as his hands shook. His knees now felt wobbly, it was getting hard for him to breathe, & he couldn't find any words to say. But the world was still absent of sound.

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