(13) The Trials to the Tribulations

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Michelle pulled open the door to the school, she held her books to her chest as she walked through the halls towards her locker.

She quickly opened her locker & started placing her books within.

"Wait, Peter did what", Betty shouted through the mostly empty hall? Michelle's eyes widened as she turned & shushed Betty.

"I told you", Michelle said as she quickly turned around & covered Betty's mouth.

"He finally admitted it", Bett asked? She was thrilled throughout her entire body, she was visibly excited, bouncing where she stood. "Ned & I tried convincing Peter to tell you that he liked you, but he walked away sternly that he wouldn't".

"I didn't expect him to tell me just yet", Michelle said as she turned back around & started to unload her backpack again.

"Wait, so what did you do", Betty asks? She saw Michelle freeze as Michelle remembered the cringe worthy hug she gave Peter. "MJ"?

"I gave him a hug", Michelle said as she now slowly turned around to see her friend with her books in her arms.

"Why would you do that", Betty asked as they started to walk away. Michelle shut her locker & walked alongside Betty.

"Because I didn't want to just tell him the truth", Michelle said as she glanced towards Peter's locker, he strangely wasn't standing at it. He would usually be opening his locker as Michelle & Betty walked by, he would give her a nerdy smile as they made eye contact, then he would quickly look away & blush to himself.

"But . . .", Betty thought aloud, but Michelle interrupted her.

"I never said that I did", Michelle whispered.

"You kind of did", Betty corrects her as they turn into the cafeteria.

"I didn't say that exactly", Michelle said, she turned to face Betty as they waited in line for breakfast.

"You should have told him then, when he told you", Betty whispered, in fear that if anyone heard that Michelle would destroy her then the person that overheard. "That's why Ned & I tried convincing him to tell you".

"I meant to tell him, but my phone rang, now I can't tell him", Michelle said as she took a banana from the breakfast line.

"And why not", Betty asked?

"Because I didn't tell him then, he knows that I kind of like Brad, & I don't know how he is feeling about meeting his aunt from his biological family", Michelle said as she looked at their usual table & saw Peter happily laughing with Ned. "Besides, look at how happy he is, telling him would only excite him, then what's going to happen? He's going to ask me out onto a date & I'll have to say no because I don't know how I actually feel".

"Okay, but . . .", Betty started, but was unable to finish her sentence by Michelle freaking out as they stood in the middle of the cafeteria & talked quietly to each other.

"And what happens if I stupidly say yes & we start going out as a couple, then we have a horrible break up, he'll never want to talk to me again, then he'll probably move schools or something", Michelle overthought.

Betty looked at Michelle like she was crazy, in this case, Betty was almost certain that Michelle was driving herself crazy, a very short drive that is.

"What? It's happened", Michelle explained.

"It was fourth grade & his dad transferred jobs", Betty said as she started to walk away from Michelle & to her boyfriend.

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