(12) Unexpected Interaction

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Peter was sitting in class, bouncing his pencil eraser off of the desk as he listened to the teacher talking about thermonuclear fusion combustion when he heard the P.A. system turn on.

"Peter & Harley Stark, please come up to the principal's office, you are being picked up", The secretary said. Peter looked back at Ned, Ned furrowed his brows in question & Peter shrugged his shoulders.

But he quickly packed up his notebook & pencil before walking to the door & receiving his homework.

Harley was walking ahead of Peter, so Peter sped up to catch him.

"Do you know what's going on", Peter asked?

"I don't know", Harley said.

They walked into the office & saw Tony standing by the sign out sheet.

"What's going on", Peter asked? "Why are we getting signed out"?

"Um... there's someone at home that you should meet", Tony said, he was talking to Peter.

"Then why am I getting signed out", Harley asked?

"I think that you should be there too", Tony said, he finished signing them & they soon after left.

Peter & Harley looked between each other, trying to ponder what they have done wrong or why they would be in trouble. But they were driven home without another word. And they worried about what punishment was to come through the doors of their own home.

Though they didn't know what they did wrong or why they were pulled from school, but they were sure that something was wrong or they did something wrong.

"Dad, what's going on", Peter asks? Tony had his hand on the front door handle as they were about to enter the house. "Are we in trouble or danger"?

"No, you just need to see something", Tony says as he pulls the keys from his pocket & unlocked the door. The door creeps open after Tony turns the handle, finally pushing it open & revealing the interior of the house.

They slowly enter the house, walking down the hallway, then finally reach the entrance of the living. Peter & Harley see their mother sitting on the couch, opposite of a woman with long brunette hair.

"Mom, what's going on", Harley asks? Tony sat down next to Pepper & grabbed her hands.

The woman turned around in her seat, placed her hand on the back of the couch & looked up to Peter.

"Is this him", The woman asked?

"The tall won is Peter, & that is his little brother Harley", Pepper said as she & the woman both stood up.

The woman approached Peter & quickly wrapped her arms around him. Peter was hesitant at first but slowly wrapped his arms around the woman as he glanced at Harley strangely.

"Are you cousin Terry's new wife", Peter asked, his arms still wrapped around the woman that he could not recognize.

"No, Peter", Pepper said as the woman released Peter. "This is May Parker".

Peter looked at his mother, trying to figure out her expression, but it was hard. Sort of a sad, worried, stressed, & disoriented look.

"Oh, right, I remember you from the family reunion", Peter lied, he completely had no idea who this woman was, never seeing her a day in his life, but he couldn't tell the truth & make it awkward.

Pepper & Tony slightly shook their heads.

"I don't expect you to remember me, you were really little, almost a year old", May Parker said. Peter was still confused.

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