(16) Love is a Battlefield

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The bell rang through the school, releasing the students to the cafeteria.

"Where were you in precalc & study hall", Ned asked?

"I was saying goodbye to Harry, today was his last day in New York", Peter said as he used his fork to play with a cherry tomato that came with his lunch.

"Are you okay", Michelle asked? Everyone at the table had noticed Peter's down expression.

"He called me during class, but I couldn't answer the call, so he left a message for me to hear", Peter said as he neglected the question. "He asked if he could stay here, with me & my family".

Peter sighed as he finished the sentence.

"You didn't answer the question", Michelle said. She placed her hand over his as she asked again, "Are you okay"?

Betty & Ned looked between one another & the two holding hands.

"I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm not well at composing myself", Peter said as he placed his hand over Michelle's.

Betty & Ned again looked between one another & the two holding hands with shocked expressions on their face.

"I just hope Harry is doing okay", Peter said as he returned to eating.

"What do you mean", Betty asked?

"Harry has panic anxiety", Peter said. He sat his fork down & finished his sentence. "He was neglected & left alone for weeks on end when he was younger, so this move is going to be really hard on him, especially since he doesn't have anyone in London".

"That's awful", Betty said.

"I hope he's doing well", Ned said.

"How is he doing", Michelle asked?

"He says he's fine, but I'm still worried about him", Peter said as he started to finish his lunch.

The table went into a silence after Peter spoke.

"I'm making a trash run, do you guys want me to take anything", Peter asked? He started to stand up as all three of his friends passed over their empty lunch trays with trash piled on top. "Alrighty then".

Peter started collecting the trash & piling the trays on top of one another.

Betty watched as Peter walked away, then turned to Michelle & asked, "So what was that about, you were holding Peter's hand"?

"Nothing", Michelle blushed.

"That's her weird way of flirty", Ned said.

"No it's not", Michelle denied it.

"Oh please, you two have been flirty all week", Betty stated.

All three discussed & recalled back to the earlier week.


"What's cookin' good lookin", Michelle asked as she walked up to Peter's locker & leaned against the locker besides her.


"You look really pretty today", Peter said as they walked in the hall together. Michelle looked away to hide her blush.


"I like your smile", Michelle said as she laughed to play the sentence off.

"I like your laugh", Peter returned the compliment & the flirtation.


The three came back from their memories.

"It hasn't been that much flirting", Michelle lied.

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