(3) First Friday

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Peter was filled with joy after he heard the final bell ring, it was official the end of his first week of the new school.

Don't get Peter wrong, he liked school & loved seeing his new friends, but with the entire school pleading to get close to Peter, it was hard to navigate through days where he was surrounded by fake students.

But he was looking forward to the weekend. Peter already had asked if Harry could stay the weekend, they haven't seen each other since Peter moved in July. Harry was coming over at about 4 PM & Peter didn't want to wait.

Decathlon practice ended a little after Harry would be coming over, so all Peter had to do was get through Decathlon & he would be able to go home.

Peter must have gotten lost in his thoughts & didn't even hear the conversations around him. But Peter's phone started to ring. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, Harry was calling him.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this", Peter announced his exit. He quickly walked out of the auditorium & into the hallway.

"Hey, what's up, are you almost there or something", Peter asked as he picked up the phone?

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line.

"No", Harry replied. "My dad is suddenly making me fly out to London this weekend, I can't make it. I'm sorry".

"I understand, it's okay", Peter lied.

"You sure", Harry asked to no response. "Well, how's life at the new school going, did you make any new friends".

"Yeah it's going great & I've made a ton of new friends this week", Peter said. Peter was sarcastic as he said, "I also became captain of the football team & started dating the hottest cheerleader in school".

"That's great", Harry said sarcastically as well, but with a pause at the end of his sentence. "Ok, well, I have to go, but tell your everyone that I said hi".

"Will do", Peter said. They said their goodbyes & Peter walked back into the auditorium. He sat next to Ned & Flash with a gutted look on his face.

"What's going on", Ned asked? "You look like you saw someone get hit by a bus".

"It's nothing, I was going to hang out with a friend from my old school, but he can't make it this weekend", Peter slouched in his chair. He grabbed his books & placed them in his backpack.

Peter threw his backpack over his shoulder. Everyone was starting to pack up now, practice was over for the weekend.

"Well, if you want...", Flash started. "... Ned & I could come over, I have no plans & I'm sure he doesn't".

Ned wanted to abject, but Flash was right.

"I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind", Peter said, the three of them started to walk to the exit. "The limo should be here soon to pick us up if you two can come".

Peter walked away from the two as they pulled out their phones & started to call their mothers.

Peter sat in the car & waited for his friends, they quickly came running out from the school & jumped into the limo.

They arrive a while after leaving the school. Tony was standing outside waiting for them.

"Pete, I thought you said Harry was staying the night", Tony asked as he saw the other two boys step out from the car.

"He couldn't make it", Petter said as he walked up to his father. "I hope this is okay, I already said they could stay over".

"Yeah it's fine", Tony said. "We were expecting a guest anyway".

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