(6) The Little Crush

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The boys were sitting in the living staring at the television, their hands were wrapped around PS4 controllers, their thumbs anxiously swiveling the thumbsticks or pressing the buttons underneath their thumbs.

The boys were playing Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition. The game belonged to Ned, who brought it over after Peter heard that Ned had it. Harley insisted on playing after Ned brought the game over.

It was Friday & they had just gotten out of school, so the four didn't need to go anywhere or do anything for the entire day.

Ned narrowed his eyes as he killed another of the mutated creatures, but Peter & Harley were barely pulling their weight, getting a kill then almost dying right after.

"Ned, Peter. Help, I'm dying", Harley yelled as he was being attacked by the creatures. The creatures had killed Harley's character.

"I'm dying too", Peter complained as he spammed his fingers against the controller buttons to desperately try defending himself, but to no avail as he died as well.

"Hold on, I'm coming", Ned said as he blasted the creatures out from his path, the other avatar ran past Ned & rushed to Harley's character, but it was too late by the time he arrived. Peter had also died before Ned could revive him either. "I have to admit, you're a much better gamer than I would have took you for, Mr. stark".

"Thanks, kid", Tony said. He blasted another creature. Tony's avatar leveled up & he now had a turret gun. Tony swiftly spun around while shooting the creatures, killing the last of them, & beating the level for them.

Peter & Harley were dumbfounded, both looking at their father with mystery.

"Good job, Mr. Stark", Ned said as he raised his hand. But before Tony could react, he was called from the at-home office.

"Tony, what are you doing, you have a gala that you are hosting in 45 minutes", Pepper said as she walked up the group. She was wearing a black dress with diamond earrings & a necklace.

"That explains the tie", Tony said sarcastically as he tightened the tie around his neck. Tony stood up & walked to Pepper.

"We were supposed to leave half an hour ago", Pepper said as Tony stepped in front of her & cupped her hands in his.

"Then we can just take the helicopter", Tony said casually. Ned looked at the two & lifted an eyebrow.

"We are going to a gala for the homeless", Pepper said as she turned & started walking away. "Plus, it took me three hours to do this hair & it will be your head if it gets messed up".

Tony walked with Pepper to the front door as they were leaving.

"Be responsible, no girls over. Harley, make sure you watch the kids", Tony said as he opened the door & allowed Pepper out first. Peter turned to Tony with his jaw dropped. "I'm kidding, both of you have to watch Morgan though, make dinner or call a chief, we'll be out late".

Tony quickly shut the door before either could abject.

"Okay, well maybe I should cook, you have the same skill as Dad", Harley said, he stood up & walked to the stairs to retrieve Morgan.

The room fell silent after Harley left.

"Come, let's keep playing", Ned said, he leaned back against the back of the couch. Peter was sitting on the floor in front of the couch. He loaded a new game, now just Peter & Ned were the players in the game.

Peter & Ned dropped into an environment, they were instantly surrounded by creatures. Besides the sounds of gunfire coming from the television, there was nothing. Peter & Ned fell into another moment of silence between the two as neither had anything to say.

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