(4) The Unfaithful Friend

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Peter walked into his second week of school on Tuesday, since Labor Day caused a three day weekend. Peter kept his head down as he & his brother walked into the school.

"Are you okay, bro", Harley asked? He noticed Peter hunched over with his had down & his eyes frantically searching the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Peter lied as he spotted Flash at the end of the hall.

"Are you sure", Harley asked? "You have been acting skittish since Saturday, then you locked yourself in your room all day".

"Yeah, I'm fine, Harley", Peter said as he turned to the stairs, but Harley followed.

"Well, Harry called me, he wanted to talk to you about a voicemail that you left him, he said he called you, but you wouldn't answer", Harley told Peter. Peter opened his locker & put away his backpack.

"It's nothing", Peter said as he turned to Harley. "I got to go to class, I have to go".

Harley turned away as Peter started to walk to class, but Peter just ran into Michelle. Peter dropped his books on accident.

"Sorry, Peter", Michelle said after they bumped into each other.

"No, it's okay", Peter said as he gathered his books off of the floor & quickly walked away. Michelle looked at Peter weirdly as he walked into their first class.

Michelle followed swiftly behind, she sat at the same table as Peter & Ned, so she would be able to talk to him during class.

When Michelle entered the classroom, Peter was already seated & struck up a conversation with Ned. The two were laughing hysterically, up to the point where Michelle sat down next to the two, their laughter ceased.

Michelle was going to ask what they were talking about, but the bell rang & the teacher walked into the room, starting her lesson.

Throughout class, Michelle & Peter's eyes met a few times, but it was usually followed by Peter looking disturbed & suddenly looking away. Every time Peter looked over to Michelle, she could feel his glare & an empathetic sense of disappointment.

Michelle tried to brush this feeling off, but it lured around her all throughout class.

As the class was solving their exit assessments, Michelle whispered to Ned.

"Is Peter alright, he seems high strung this morning", Michelle asked? She was keeping her head low to the table to hide herself behind the tall Juniors & Seniors of the class.

But before ned could respond, the teacher interrupted.

"Michelle, no talking", The teacher said as she briefly looked over to the sophomores. Michelle quickly started to refocus on the assignment she was almost finished with.

The bell rang, releasing them from the class. Peter stood up first, trying to get out of class & head to study hall, another class he & Michelle shared. Peter turned in his assignment & left the classroom as Michelle quickly finished hers.

Michelle followed Peter to his locker, noticing his hunched walk & his dangling arm. He was being awfully quiet then he usually was & Michelle didn't like that.

They both grabbed their textbooks & started walking to study hall, halfway to the class Michelle tried to make conversation with Peter.

"Hey, Peter, do you know where Decathlon is meeting up after school today", Michelle asked? She was expecting to hear Peter's preppy excited tone of voice, but she barely got a mumble.

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