(15) Before You Go

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It has been five days since the last part where Peter & Michelle kissed, got covey together on the couch, & fell asleep into each other’s arms…


Peter takes a cautionary step as he continues his path down the hall, he had spotted the door from where he froze. 

He pondered at what he should say, if he should say anything. All he knew was that if he stepped in the room that all of this would be real & not just a horrible nightmare. 

He slowly approached the door, staring at it as if there was an unknowing horror behind it. 

Peter slowly closed his eyes, he kept them shut, wishing that this had all been a dream after all, hoping that when he opened his eyes he would be in his bedroom & that it would have all been a dream. 

Peter raised his hand, it was shakier than usual. His arm was weak, he didn’t eat breakfast in fear that he would miss it. But Peter closed his fist & prepared to knock. 

“Oh, you two are so dramatic”, A voice said from the silence of the house, the voice had startled Peter & made his jump. But it was Harry’s father, Norman. 

Norman walked up to Peter. 

“How’s it going, son”, Norman asked? Peter gave Norman a hug, he was like a second father to him, so Norman moving away would be hard on Peter as well. 

“It’s going okay, if I’m honest, I didn’t want today to be the last day I’d see either of you”, Peter admitted as he now stood in the hallway, talking to his friends father. 

“You realize your father has six private jets, you could come see us any time that you want”, Norman laughed as he lightly smacked Peter on the arm, Peter chuckled as well. 

“I know, one of them is named after me”, Peter continued to laugh. “I know that I’ll be able to see you guys every once in a while, but it’s just different, you guys used to be a thirty minute drive away, now I have to get on a plane & grab my passport”. 

“It will be okay, Peter”, Norman said. “Like I said, you are always welcome to come visit us, & when you do, we’ll have a spare room waiting for you”. 

“Thanks”, Peter said, he placed his hand on the doorknob to Harry’s room. “I have to help Harry get his stuff together & say goodbye”. 

Peter opened the door & walked into the bedroom. Harry was holding a box in his hand as he cleared his top shelf into the box. 

“Hey Harry”, Peter said as he closed the door & sat down on the bed. 

“Hey Pete”, Harry said as he aggressively piled the last of his clothes into another box. 

“I’d ask you how are you doing, but clearly the move is stressing you”, Peter said as he got up from the bed & grabbed an empty box, he started helping Harry pack the rest of his things. 

“It’s the same as I’ve felt for the last week”, Harry said as he taped the box shut. “You should know, you’ve been here everyday since”. 

“You know I wouldn’t have missed your last week in America, plus every time we hangout I forget about you moving & it all seems like a bad dream sometimes”, Peter admitted, he placed Harry’s soccer trophies in the box. 

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