Chapter 8

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I found Jungkook's dislike towards Ina very interesting, honestly I don't hear half of the stuff she says but seeing the adorable pout and cute glare from Koo was soo worth it.

        We started our journey quite early, forest was losing its thickness the more we went so it was a sign that we were close to the road meaning that we were also close to the suicide mission.I really wish things hadn't gone this far,I wonder if Koo would look at me the same way if he knew everything about me.

       "Tae....!to pass time, I'm gonna tell you about Sunghin,where I went before the apocalypse,so Sunghin is......."
          At this point, I really wanted to remove her voice.....she really was annoying and I regret encouraging her yesterday, but the amusing part was the way Jungkook's eyes had turned to slits, glaring at her....I'm gonna have fun with this.

            "Why does the small bunny look so upset....?" I faked my oblivious tone,secretly smirking when I saw his cheeks redden, but then,I sensed Ina's annoyance, realizing I wasn't paying attention to her anymore.....ah she had the temper of  a Larvis, fire I wasn't shocked.

"Maybe Jungkook is tired because he can't handle all this walking....Tae, I think we should let him rest....."  An almost nonexistent smirk appeared on her face.....

"Even though it might slow us down a bit....but that's okay....." I could even feel the fake concern from a mile away......

Jungkook had a blank expression on his face but I knew he was furious,the small flicker of golden hue in his eyes proving me right. If there was one thing Jungkook hated,It was assuming he was weak because of his small size, and Ina just got into his bad books.

"Thanks for showing concern Ina, but I'm okay......" I have to give it to Koo,his acting is good, the way he relaxed his facial expressions to he gentle,feigning a look of appreciation......but no one can be more petty than Jungkook, and I learnt that the hard way during those weeks in the cave....Ina is going to be fucked over for sure.....

The trees were becoming more spaced as we made our way to the main road, which was now visible.

"Wow....we made it Tae, I can't believe We made----" before Koo could complete his sentence,Loud unpleasant screeched rang through the air.........about a dozen demons attacking us.

I used my ability to raise one in the air,breaking its neck, killing it instantly and it turned to dust.
         I turned to see Ina shooting fireballs at them....the demons seemed to keep coming,maybe about a hundred now. Jungkook was doing just fine,Making their heads explode with his horrid screeching.
        I saw three demons coming towards me and sang my fist against their heads with force, another one attacking me at the same time, I let my fingers grow into claws and slit their throats one by one, enjoying the thrill of killing,their black blood splattered on my face.I saw Koo and Ina's movements slowing, they we're getting tired. I went closer to them, slitting the throats of the demons with my claws as they continued to fight.I heard a small shriek when I saw a demon had made a small cut on Ina's shoulder, had it not been for Jungkook killing it, she would probably be dead.

                        Soon, the numbers we're decreasing till there was none.I turned, moving towards Jungkook.

"Tae watch out! " I turned my head to see a demon about to strike, only for it to be stabbed a knife being held by something invisible, the demon turning to dust.

I was startled by small arms circling my torso,large, glossy doe eyes staring back at me.

"I was so scared Tae! You have to be more careful!....." Jungkook's voice cracked,lips wobbling.

"I'm fine Koo....." I used my thumb to wipe the tear trying to escape his eyes....."I promise not  to die on you....." I whispered hugging him,my hand rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

"Um.....glad you're fine Tae,but we have to get going if we don't want to die....." I nodded at Ina's words who was clearly displeased with the scene, but chuckled realizing Jungkook's hands were still tightly clutching my shirt.

"I'm not going anywhere Koo...." I whispered to him, whose face turned beet red before letting go. I turned, my back facing Koo and Ina

"Thanks for not letting me die Yoongi......and stop turning invisible, I know its you..." I heard Young curse before he turned visible,making Jungkook gasp and Ina confused.

"Yoongi! I thought you were dead! along with the others...." Yoongi rolled his eyes at Jungkook's words

"The other bangtan members are very   much alive....if you must know.....who's the girl..."

"I'm Kang Ina, nice to meet you.....I've been traveling with them....."

"More like Kang bitch....." I heard Koo mutter under his breath,and I tried biting back a smile."

"Whatever.....come with me,the town is not to far, the others are probably waiting for me anyways....." We nodded and followed Yoongi to the town.

So the rest of bangtan is alive! You might wonder why there's no 'hyung'
added to Yoongi's name... that is because the tittle is given to someone who's level of ability is above yours and they are all in one house and are seen as equals...... Anyways....what do you think of Taehyung's behavior towards Jungkook?please share your thoughts in the comments section and don't forget to vote!



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