Chapter 12

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Third person

Morning had arrived.Everyone had had something to eat,and got dressed for the journey ahead.After leaving the house,they managed to sneak into the convenience store.

     Taehyung faced the others "okay guys...." He spoke "grab supplies for the trip.This store has pretty much everything so find where duffle bags are kept and then pack.We'll go back to the house for sanitary items then we can find a car."

Jimin gave him a glare "And who put you in charge anyways? Namjoon is the one good at coming up with plans....."  Everyone could feel the tension, but didn't know why in the first place. Taehyung on the other hand, wasn't ready to be disrespected.


"Yeah Tae...?"

"Do you know where Chiyu is?"


"Do you know how we are gonna survive?"


"Well, there's your answer  Jimin  I seriously don't have time to fuck around with this so are we gonna do this or not...?" They all nodded, not having a choice because either way, they might not survive.Jimin still had a scowl on his face.

"Now that is settled....., partner up with someone.We're eight so it should be easy.....and get one bag both of you can keep your supplies in, and no noise to attract the demons...." They began partnering up, Jin and Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Let's be partners Tae..." Ina asked,still at war with Jungkook who was just about ready to sacrifice her to the demons.

"Koo's already my partner.....why don't you partner with Jimin?" Taehyung secretly smirked, loving both their reactions.

"Um.....okay..." Ina tried to smile, bit the shit eating grin on Jungkook's face made it quite hard. Jimin was about to say something buy was cut off by Taehyung.

"C'mon bun, we need to get some stuff....." With that, he held the smaller male's hand, taking him away. Taehyung smirked upon seeing the scowl on Jimin's face.
                   Taehyung grabbed a duffel bag,heading towards where the knives were. He grabbed a few,then asking Jungkook to get a medical kit and some powdered herbs.
                             After getting water,he chuckled,seeing the smaller male pick snacks and foods that could last.They made their way to get dome canned foods, then some sanitary items.

                The group made their way back to where the cash register was, each team having a duffel bag.The group went back to the house to pack a few clothes and left the house.

"A large family must have lived here.."  Namjoon spoke, "Maybe they  have a mini van in their garage that could possibly have enough room for us all...."

"Let's check then!" Hoseok yelled, finding the situation somewhat exciting.

"Shut the fuck up you annoying sunshine!" Yoongi whisper-yelled

"Or I'll shut you up before the demons do...."  Hoseok gulped, knowing that Yoongi could actually do it.

They made their way to the garage, and true to Namjoon's words,they had an eight seat van,with space to keep their bags.

"We'll be sitting in teams...." Taehyung began "remember to always have your partner's back,Chiyu is a  dangerous place,protected by some forces."

"Where is Chiyu anyways?...." Jin interrupted  "We should atleast know where we're going..." The rest nodded, as curious as Jin.

"Chiyu is in Gagsu...." They all gasped,having heard rumors about how people never survived going there. Jimin gritted his teeth in anger.

"So we're literally committing suicide by going on this bullshit mission any wa---"

"If we don't go,we're all gonna die,including the rest of the world, and I don't mind leaving you to be eaten by the demons." Taehyung rasped,losing patience every passing minute. The others seemed frightened because of the aura surrounding him. He signed.....he really just wanted them to live, only if they knew.....

They made their way to the van, Filling the trunk with their luggage. But then Jungkook realized something..


"Yeah, bun?"

"We don't have the keys to the van"

"Oh....that won't be a problem..." Taehyung entered the driver's seat,messing with the wires a bit, and sooner or later, the engine roared, the car starting.

"I'm really starting to get bad boy vibes from you Tae..." Taehyung smirked at the comment.

"We'll I'm fine with the title, you know what they say......good boys go to heaven.....but bad boys bring you heaven...." Jungkook turned a furious red at the sexual comment, knowing it was directed to him. Unfortunately, Ina cleared her throat, ruining his moment. 'Breath....don't kill..' he internally said to himself, letting it go.

"Who's driving....?" Ina said, clearly intentional, to ruin the Taekook moment.

"I don't mind driving the van---"Jin was interrupted by a horrid  screeching in the air,a huge legion of demons up ahead.Taehyung grabbed his partner's hand, yelling at the others to get in. Jin started driving, but cursed seeing the demons chasing them.

"Step on it Jin!" They yelled together......

So don't you think its a little suspicious how Taehyung seems to know a bit too much? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section and don't forget to vote!And if you can spot the two memes I used then you're amazing.... 


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