Chapter 5

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Third person

About five weeks had gone by quickly,and within that duration,Taehyung and Jungkook had gotten to know each other on a personal level,chatting as if they knew each other from birth. The nights they spent in they cave they found,right behind a waterfall,consisted of taking turns to narrate stories about themselves, sharing a few laughs as their camp fire flickered steadily.

            During one of those nights,Jungkook asked Taehyung how he was coping with the loss of his family.Instead of being yelled at,he gave him a small smile,telling him about an old woman in Daegu he took as his grandma, and how she used to predict certain things,she had one day  told him he'd lose his family soon and he got mad at her words but it had always been at the back of his mind.
                      Hunting was mostly done by Taehyung and so was berry picking.Jungkook soon learnt which berries were poisonous and which weren't,and took over that chore.
          "We have to get moving....."Taehyung rasped lowly,  knowing they couldn't stay in the cave forever.The small male however, didn't like the idea of possibly encountering demons if they left.
"W-what about the demons?...."Jungkook had whispered.
"We'll have to fight them Kook,and look for survivors.....the demon apocalypse first happened centuries ago,and wiped out the normals, who are now known as humans.If our race is gonna survive, we have to find out how they got rid of them..."

"How are we supposed to know that?I mean, If Dalmeonji existed then we would, but now......"

"We have to go to Chiyu Library, Its the only other place with sacred texts..." Taehyung muttered,knowing it wouldn't be an easy journey.

"And how do you know that?Not just anyone could know about the books kept there....Chiyu is sacred after all..."
             Taehyung signed, knowing that sooner or later,Jungkook would figure  it out soon....
               "I just know... "Jungkook didn't push further,not wanting to annoy the larger male.
                   "Jungkook...."Taehyung whispered,bending down to the smaller male's height. "I know its scary and we might not make it,but we can't stay in the cave forever..... We need to get to Chiyu and hopefully......we'll be able to stop this...." Jungkook nodded, cheeks flushed pink from Taehyung's concentrated gaze, making him feel smaller than he already is.

                     "If we're gonna leave,we need supplies...How about you hunt some deer and I pick the berries,then we come back here to smoke and dry them for the journey....." Taehyung hummed,getting two of his knives (Which he was originally going to use for his artwork on the day of the apocalypse) and heading into the opposite direction Jungkook was going.

           Jungkook was busily picking some berries,placing them in a basket he had used the bark of a tree and twine to make it.He was startled by a loud growl,and upon turning, he came face to face with a wild boar. Jungkook wasn't scared though, instead, he was annoyed,frustration from the demon apocalypse coming to mind and he knew there was no way he was going to allow that wild animal to hurt him when their journey hasn't even started, not today, satan.
           Slowly, he started to release a sour and bitter scent,halting the animal completely....but he didn't stop there.A screeching sound came from his throat, eyes turning golden as he stared at the boar,who had blood running out of its ears and snot, but Jungkook kept going,till the boar's head exploded,its eyeballs rolling on the ground,skull broken into pieces, red from the blood,and its brain soggy and looking like it had been squeezed.

"Ewww....! ",Jungkook shrieked, the disgusting sight making him want to puke. He was startled by heavy footsteps coming from behind the bushes but was relieved to see it was only Taehyung,who was carrying a large deer on his broad shoulders,herbs in the pockets of his worn out sweatpants due to over washing  it at the bank of the waterfall.

"I see you're doing quite fine on your own.." Taehyung paused. "Didn't think you had it in you to kill but then we're   on a journey to stop a fucking apocalypse so I guess nothing's impossible......"

"Did you think I was gonna scream and cry like a damsel in distress?"

"More like a Bunny in distress but that works too...." Jungkook blushed,still not used to Taehyung's nicknames for him. "I'm done with the berries anyways so we can head back to the cave." Taehyung hummed, already making his way towards the cave.

They soon made it to the cave, making a campfire.Jungkook used the heat of the fire to dry the large amount of berries whilst  Taehyung was skinning the deer.Jungkook suggested they use the fire's heat to dry the skin so he could use a sharp splinter and twine the make another two bags out of it to keep their supplies.
                    It took a while to dry the juices out of the berries,though he let it drip in the tin cans so he and Taehyung could drink it.When he was done,he went ahead to grind the herbs Taehyung had picked, who told him the herbs could heal cuts and some injuries.The grinded herbs were dried out and the juices were used as a preservative for the meat since it was very salty.
         Whilst sowing the bags,Taehyung was drying the meat,after cutting them into smaller pieces.

            It was already night when they were done preparing for the journey ahead.One of the bags made of skin carried meat,the other carrying berries. They had filled one can with the grinded herbs and the rest, with water, along with the water bottles and placed them in their satchels.They had taken turns to bath in the lake of the waterfall, putting their clothes back on and heading the campfire in the cave.
                      That night,both boys tossed and turned, not because of the hard cave floor, but because of how uncertain the future was.

Ah yes,Tae and kook will be on the move soon, and I haven't forgotten about the others ;).Please tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments section and don't forget to vote!


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