Chapter 18

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Third person

"Its good to have you back, Tae!" Ina said happily, as they all sat to have breakfast Taehyung himself cooked. Taehyung and Jungkook had talked yesterday when he came back,mostly apologies and tears,but it was all good now.The smaller male was currently situated on the larger male's lap,being fed by him.He refused to go anywhere without Taehyung and decided to even move into his room.

"I didn't know you could cook too! man, this is delicious!" Ina continued, enjoying her breakfast.

"Y'know, bangtan won't be bangtan without you Tae....." The others, excluding Jimin, agreed with Hoseok's statement.

"Still can't believe you and kook are mates, you even imprinted without knowing!" Jin said, clearly still surprised when the couple officially announced it after Taehyung came back yesterday.

"I knew, probably because I imprinted on Koo the first day we met, but he was kinda bratty so I avoided him". Taehyung chuckled at the memory. They all nodded, seeming surprised by the information whilst Jungkook was a blushing mess.Imprinting was a big deal because it meant you had chosen your mate for life, but if its one sided then its not effective.

"" Namjoon began nervously "can we ask some questions about your ability? Its okay if we ca---"

"Its okay really, you already know everything about my past so I can't be bothered to hide anything." they all nodded in excitement at his words.

"Um....this might sound like a stupid question but...why is your hair still very long and dark violet,but your eyes are gone back to their normal violet?" Hoseok asked curiosly whilst Taehyung chuckled.

"This is my natural look.....the hair you saw me with before was just an illusion...."

"Wow....." They muttered in wonder, Jungkook going ahead to smell his mate's long hair.

" actually smells like lavender....." He giggled, his mate in turn cooing at him.

"So we know that Neurojuriosis or 'nj' is basically using mind control to do literally everything but what about your dark angel side...?" Yoongi asks.

"A dark angel is basically when an angel falls in love with a mortal, which 'taints' them,you literally have the same ability an angel has, but just a bit demonic....and my mom became one when she met my dad...." They all nod, curiosity being satisfied.

"Won't it be cool if you had like...fangs and tattoos?!" Hoseok yelled excitedly.

"Actually....I do, but I don't really show it because it makes me look kinda demonic."

"C-can we see it?" Jungkook muttered shyly rather thinking his mate would look even more sexy. Taehyung nods and almost immediately, cracks start appearing on both sides of his neck till they reach the sides of his face,and he smiles so they see his canines elongate to become sharp fangs. The all seemed astonished by the changes.

"Its do look demonic" Yoongi muttered.

" are you immortal or anything?" Namjoon asks.

"Well.....if anything doesn't kill me then yeah,I'll stop aging once I mark my mate,who will also stop aging alongside me."

"No wonder your dad looked so young....your mother marked him, right?" Taehyung nodded at Jin's question, and silence soon followed.

"We're really sorry you had such a terrible life Tae.....a-and to see your mom die like that....w-when she was pregnant..." Hoseok sympathized,not being able to imagine his pain.Taehyung genuinely smiled at his words.

"Its okay, really. You aren't your parents so I don't really mind, after all, the demons probably killed them anyway." He grinned devilishly.

"Guys....." Ina began, realizing something.

"Where's Jimin?" Taehyung felt the small male on his lap tense at the name and he tightened his hold on him.They all shrugged, not knowing where he was.

"I'm just gonna say it then..." she continued. "I dunno about you guys but like when Tae came yesterday, I could sense the tension between the two of them and I feel like something's going on...."

"He tried to hit Koo..." Taehyung growled out, making them all gasp.

"W-what..?..w-why...!" Jin yelled, not happy with the revelation.

"Apparently, the fucker imprinted on my mate sometime ago but got mad because Koo didn't reciprocate his feelings.." They could feel his anger coming in waves, Jungkook snuggling deeper into his chest for comfort upon remembering what happened.

"I wanted to kill him..." Taehyung rasps darkly "I want to torture him, then kill,him.....send him to the burning pits of hell....then bring him back to kill him again" the air suddenly turned chilly and sinister, Taehyung's deep voice and face an eerie calm.

"I don't like how he spoke to Koo....I hate how he made my mate look so scared.If I hadn't got there on time---"

"Its okay Tae....." Jungkook cut him off, giving him a bunny smile. "What matters is that you're here....."

"Y'know.....we should get Yeontan to eat him..."

".......that's not a bad idea Yoongi...."

So that's pretty much it.The next chapters will be Taekook centric and yes....there will be smut ;) Please leave your thoughts in the comments section and don't forget to vote!


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