Chapter 13

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Third person

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!...." Hoseok hugged his partner,Yoongi for dear life.The demons were still behind their van, some being able to fly,others running.Their pointed teeth visible through their ugly grins and their blood red eyes following the van,claws ready for action.

"Holy shit!" Jin yelled,almost losing control of the steering wheel when he saw some demons up ahead.

"I don't wanna drive anymore omg we're so fucked-----"

"Just shut up and drive!" Yoongi yelled, trying to hide his panic.Jungkook on the other hand started to release a sour scent,making everyone excluding Taehyung cover their noses.

"Could you stop releasing that nasty scent?" Ina asked, clearly irritated.

"Oh fuck off!as if you aren't panicki----"  Jungkook was cut of by a large thump on the top of the van, scaring the shit out of everyone.....except Taehyung.Jungkook found himself on Taehyung's lap,a large hand securely wrapped around him, which caused him to flush red.

"You all need to calm down....." Taehyung muttered. "The demons sensed your panic and negative energy....which attracts them." He paused  "You need to relax..."

"How the fuck are we gonna stay calm!" Jimin yelled.

"And how do you even know this!"
Namjoon added,panic and curiosity in his voice. Taehyung rolled his eyes, mumbling a few curses under his breath,now paying attention to the frightened smaller male on his lap.

"Koo....I need you to relax and release a soothing scent for everyone..." He said softly to his boyfriend, who nodded and let out a deep breath, Taehyung rubbing his hack to help him relax. Everyone felt relaxed after a few minutes, no longer yelling profanities at each other.

"Now you're all calm....We need to get rid of the demons before they attempt to destroy the van...."

"And how are we gonna do that?" Ina asked, genuinely curious.

"Koo.....I need you to bring the demons to the window by Ina, Yoongi,  I need you to teleport to the van's roof and kill them off. Namjoon, I need you to reach into the minds of the demons up ahead and make them kill themselves. Hoseok, I need you to freeze the demons immediately I open the window next to Ina and Jimin,I need you to use your super strength to tip the van  a bit so we can go around the demons." The group nodded, willing to do anything to survive.

Yoongi teleported to the rooftop,using his knife to slit the throat of demons, disappearing when they come too close.Jungkook used his enchantment to draw the demons to Ina's window, their horrid faces plastered onto it.

"Okay..... On three,I open the window and Hoseok, freeze them for as long as  you can.immediately they are frozen,Ina you burn them with fire..."
They nod, ready for action...

"On three...One!  Two!  Three!" Taehyung used telekinesis to open the window,Hoseok furrowed his brows in concentration, trying to keep then still as Ina burnt them,the demons turning into dust.The window was Immediately closed and the two signed in relief. Yoongi soon appeared back in the van, a few scratches here and there but okay.

           "Okay Namjoon,reach into their minds now....Jin, make the van feel lighter and Jimin, get ready to tip the van." They three nodded, Namjoon's eyes turning an icy blue as he began to use his ability. The van started to feel lighter, sweat forming on his forehead for using his ability on something so heavy.

"Now Jimin!" Taehyung yelled, Jimin immediately tipping the van to the left, going right past the demons which were infront of them.

"Step on it Jin!" Soon, the had lost signs on the legion of demons, everyone letting out their breaths they didn't know they were holding.

"We're alive!" They cheered, except Taehyung who's face was blank.

"Are you okay Tae?" Jungkook whispered, seeing his boyfriend's blank face.

"I'm fine bun..." Taehyung whispered in his ear, then pressing a soft kiss on his lips, sucking on them a bit. Jungkook unknowingly let out a small moan, grabbing the others' attention"

"Seems like some people have found other ways to celebrate..." Ina snickered, trying to hide the bitter under tone in her voice. The couple pulled apart, Jungkook turning into a blushing mess whilst Taehyung held him tighter against his chest,Jungkook letting out a small whimper at the sudden squeeze of his tiny waist.

"Didn't think you guys would get together....but it seems the impossible is becoming possible..." Yoongi muttered, a small smirk on his face.

"Taekook!" Hoseok yelled out, clearly happy for the two,though a certain pair weren't...  "Its your ship name.....Tae plus Kook. "
         A boxy smile appeared on Taehyung's face "I like it....its cute..." 

"So......" Jimin began, wanting to stray away from the topic.

"Which road are we using exactly, to get to Chiyu?"

"Oh there's no road to Chiyu....since Gagsu is found in a forest......Viper Forest to be exact.....and coincidencially.....the forest is right up ahead...." The other's eyes widened at his words.....Viper forest was known for its deadly plants and poisons....and snakes

"Oh shit...." Hoseok muttered....

Isn't it suspicious Taehyung knew exactly what to do.....and it all worked out well? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section and don't forget to vote!


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