School Stress

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Keefe didn't even realize that he'd fallen asleep until he woke up to Dex hugging him. He moved to find a more comfortable position, then saw Kesler and Juline looking at the both with a fond smile. Keefe sat up.

"Is this going to be a normal occurrence?" Kesler teased.

"I- uh-" he stammered. "It's-"

"It's okay, we're just teasing you," Juline cut in. "Dex seems a little more at peace when he's with you. We're not going to stop you two from sharing a bed and cuddling with each other."

"Anything more than that though," Kesler continued. "Not yet."

Keefe scrunched his face. "I have no plans on doing that. Eww."

The both of them shrugged. "You should wake Dex up and get ready for Foxfire."

He turned to Dex, who had slept through the entire conversation. His face was relaxed, and if anything, there was a slight smile on his face. His entire body looked more relaxed, his shoulders less stiff. Keefe hadn't even noticed the tension at all.

Was he normally tense? Or is it because of the upcoming midterms?

"Hey Dex," he whispered, poking his cheek.

Said boy groaned, then blindly reached out towards him. Once an arm was wrapped around Keefe, he pulled Keefe to lay down next to him.

"Don't wanna wake up." His voice was still soft with drowsiness, and it made him even sound more adorable.

"You can't just say things like that! You're gonna make me want to ditch class and cuddle with you! I can't believe that I'm being the responsible one right now, then again, your parents just told me to wake you."

"Wait..." Dex let go of Keefe's hand and sat up. "They saw us like this?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but it's not like they have any problems with it or anything. They know that we're just cuddling. Seriously though, you probably should be up."

"Yeah, they'll expect me up any moment now."

They both got up and prepared everything that they would need for school. They got ready, ate breakfast, then leapt to the school.

The sight of the glass pyramid briefly brought forth memories from the previous day. "New day, new mentor for detention," he whispered. He really hoped that he wouldn't have to see Lady Belva ever again.

Dex turned to him. "You'll be okay, right?"

"We've got PE today," Keefe replied. "I'll prolly stick by Fitz. I've got a friend to distract me. Worst case scenario, he's a telepath, he can contact you."

He nodded. "Don't be afraid to tell me if you aren't feeling well."



Doing PE with Fitz was a distraction, just as he'd thought. With having to run and focus on his skills, it meant that his brain wouldn't think about certain topics. When he was sitting down, being forced to listen to mentor drone endlessly, his mind was prone to wandering off. His thoughts were loud, and easily overpowered the mentor's.

You seem restless, Fitz transmitted. Are you okay?

There was... an incident at detention yesterday. It's better now. And that was the truth.

If you need me to do anything for you, I'll do it. Okay?

He smiled. Sure.

"Keefe! Fitz!" Their PE mentor called out, breaking both of their concentration.

The Prankster Team (A Keefex Story) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now