Super Sad D:

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Like im serious tears are free falling so hard. they are like fucking razor blades against my cheek's and I can't stop them....

I should explain. I have lost all sense of what is wrong and right and I made a huge fucking mistake. This mistake was believing my mother would talk to me if she had a problem with me, I thought for once she would come to me instead of me going to her.


She instead called a therapist to talk to me and when I said I was fine my mom broke down saying how I never talk to her and she just wants me happy.

Well next time you think somethings wrong ask me yourself and dont give me the bullshit excuse you care.

I know my mom cares, i love her allot but she doesnt show it... I wish she did because i have been wanting more time with m mom but since i showed her my cuts she barely talks to me and barley even glances at me anymore except when i am in trouble.

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