(X,X,X) - Say No To This

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Hamilton is fun
And so is staig, styde and tyde amirite
Yeah that should say enough

Also I ain't saying Token is a bad guy or anything I just needed a filler for me james Reynolds even better

Tw: sexual leadups, not the actual thing dww, the sexual tension in this all is high as fuck ig lmao, cheating


It honestly was a wonder to how far Stan could sink in a state like this, he hadn't slept in a week, he was weak, but mostly awake, he's been missing Craig--his husband, and longing Kyle, he had been stressed due to his jobs, his parents getting a divorce again and bothering him about it, Shelly being even more bothered by everything while he was trying to do too much for his mind to handle, that mix in with the adhd (hc) wasn't a good idea. He just wanted to look at something shiny and talk.

it was summer in the city, and someone under stress meets someone looking pretty. The trouble that hung over in the air was a thick one when the brunette had gotten closer.

The taller brunette grabbed onto Stan's wrist, who whipped back and was ready to throw hands, before eyes locked with the slightly taller brunette.. Who's lips hung open slightly before words came out. " I know you are a man of honor, I'm so sorry to bother you here... But, I have no clue where to go... And I came here all alone,, " he said.

" Well, I'd be willing to help you navigate around here? I could be your guide! " There was genuine excitement in his voice as he fixed his pink on black flamingo short sleeved hoodie crop top (god that's a mouth full) Craig had given it to him once and he liked it, there was a black, kinda figure huffing tank top under it to shield his stomach.

The brunette gave a small smile to the ravenette, and a nod. Indicating that Stan could be a 'tour guide' to him. So that's fun!

There was an unreadable glint in his eyes Stan couldn't catch as they had begun walking together. The glint was... weird.. It was double sided. But Stan couldn't figure out what it meant. They talked, Stan asking about a few things, ending up with the knowledge that Clyde was married to a guy, and Stan asked about him.
" My- my husband's been doing me wrong: beating me, cheating me, mistreating me.. Suddenly he's up and gone. I don't have the means to go on? "

Stan frowned, stopping them in their tracks. " Do you have any.. Money? Any clue of where to go? " he asked, Clyde shaking his head softly.

" Token has been gone for quite a while on a trip and sure I'm working jobs but it's rather not enough for.. Quite a few things. " Clyde said, looking over to Stan softly. The double sided glint was intriguing to get to know about, but he's had a feeling he knew where it was going... Somewhat?

" I don't know where we're.. Going now. What's the address you reside on? I could walk you home. South Park isn't big. "

Clyde gave him his address, and they soonly began walking, talking a bit. While Stan figured out one side of the glint. Horniness.

Over the course of the walk there had been a few inappropriate jokes, and a few touches, slightly beginning to work Stan up as well.

Once they arrived at Clyde's place, they had exchanged numbers, because they kinda liked each other's company, Stan wanted to say a bye, and walk off, but Clyde had cut him off with a kiss before he could even, Stan pushed Clyde away, eyes wide, locking then with Clyde for a second before his mind clouded with arousal and pulled Clyde back in, hand on his cheek while the other was on his chest, softly pushing the both of them inside, while the kiss only got hotter and deeper every moment...

After a while it had transferred to the bed... And the night unfolded right there.

I should maybe make a smut book idk

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