McMarsher - Kiddos

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This is a SUPER quick thing I wrote for two of my friends
I just wanted quick softness and to make up for not posting fora while here we go 😌


After the three had finally made up their minds on Stan's idea of adopting a kid: they had gotten two, they were inseperatable and biologically siblings, so naturally they took both. A girl named Mare (maar-uh) and a boy named Miles.

They were both age 7, and when they got home after all the processes: Stan showed them around the house. Talked to them while they stayed close to the shortest of their dads. Craig actually getting emotional...

" You alright, Craig? " Kenny asked, softly grabbing the ravenettes hand as a way to get the other comfortable. " Yeah. I'm alright... " He smiled, looking at the--ir.. Well, kids. They were parents now. Stan to be the main one, clearly, but they all were their dads now.

Craig watched as Mare climbed onto Stan on the ground, hearing Stan's laughter while Miles was cheering his sister on. Stan being so gentle.. So caring as he played with the two young kids. Acting like a typical dad... Playful, but gentle. Letting the little ones win the 'battle  to slay the bear'.. It absentmindedly got a tear to roll down Craig's face.

" He's gonna be such a great dad.. " He mumbled with a smile, laying his head down onto Kenny's shoulder. " He will be. But so will you. Without you, we would be nowhere we are now. " the blonde replied, pulling Craig in for a kiss with a smile.

" Gross! " Stan exclaimed from the floor, sticking his tongue out while Mare was playing with his hand, which he pushed over into her face softly. She giggled and ran after her brother. " Be careful! " Stan said, before standing up, leaving the kids to play alone. Standing with his boyfriends-- fiancés actually, by the couch. " I can't believe how good you are with kids. They look so at ease here already. " Kenny commented, a smile on his freckled face. Stan shrugged. " I like kids. And these two are absolute angels, they deserve all the love and comfort. "


As the evening fell eventually, Stan had showed Mare and Miles to their bedroom, sitting with them for a solid half hour still in their room, through the open door, Craig looked over at Stan on the ground, holding Miles in his lap while looking at Mare play on the adults old 3DS. " Look, it's a birdie! " Miles exclaimed, tiredly. " It's a Fletchling. It's a really good Pokémon. I like using it's last evolution in my team. Talonflame. It's /really/ strong. " Stan said, emphasizing on a few words to get a laugh out of Miles, who had quickly dozed off on Stan. Mare still happily playing the Pokémon X game. Pointing out a lot of things while Craig was watching Stan caress their now son in his arms comfortably, hands in his hair... Seems like that's something he does with everyone... While looking along super happily with his now daughter. Loving that she had the same interest and love in Nintendo as him.

She soonly shut it off, gave Stan a big hug and told him goodnight. Stan said a quick goodnight back and stroked her forehead gently. He stood up. " If you need me, I'm across the hallway. I'm on the right side of the bed, feel free to wake me up, alright?"
" alright. " Mare replied as miles was laid down in the top bunk of the bunk bed.

" Sweet dreams. " He hummed, turnung off the lights as he shut the door and saw Craig with a huge smile. " I just.. You're amazing. "
" It's nothing much, babe. I just know my way around kids and Mare and Miles are such two little angels. " He smiled, getting a quick kiss from Craig,

The two smiled and got up and ready for bed, being silent as to not disturb the children. Craig showered quickly before joining the smaller and taller in bed. Who were currently spooning comfortably, Kenny sweetly whispering praises into his lovers ear. For making the kids handle it so well, giving them such a warm heart and loving attitude. " I'm proud of you.. I knew you were going to be a great dad... "

A soft chuckle left Stan, " Thanks, Kenny. I love you. " He said, moving back softly to cuddle into him more, softly.

Craig walked in, towel wrapped around his waist, watching the two with a smile. Not saying anything as he changed into boxers and a t-shirt, joining the two in bed, behind Kenny. Hugging the blonde softly, a hand reaching for Stan's,

" Who's gonna bring them to school tommorow? " Craig asked, mostly as a joke.

" I can't drive after.. You know what happened. So I can't. "
" Stan, they got a bus, yknow. " Kenny added.
" Fuck, I forgot. " Stan went silent, giving Craig's hand a subtle squeeze. " Ah well... "

The guys eyes shut, silence filling the room as Craig got the lights off. Stan rolling away from Kenny's grip, claiming his space before dozing off. Craig and Kenny dozing off in each other's arms after a long talk about,, anything. Really. It was a late night quarrel, not a lot of thought went into it. It was that late, but it's been a long day for them all.


897 words

I'm working on the suggestions, I just haven't found a lot of motivation yet but they're all in the works!!

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