Michael X Pete - Blackout

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This ship was an suggestion by greguniverse0001
Aaaa I really hope you like it!!

Ngl I spent like a solid hour getting down their personality and I even discussed it with someone so wee let's hope I get this right
I rly should be this motivated for school ngl

A casual hangout over at Michael's. Henrietta, Raven and Firkle had already went home due to it getting late. But Pete had stayed, Michael's parents being out of town for the weekend, and he got allowance to stay over the night from his parents

The two had stayed downstairs for a while once alone, watching some dumb stuff on TV, poking fun at it all and basically just hating on the entire show. Michael eventually turned on Netflix, and clicked on the first show to be suggested. Warrior Nun. Guess they're watching that now.

" Hey, Mike? " Pete asked, his head tilted back to look at Michael. " What? " The taller replied, looking over at the comfortable boy in front of him on the couch. " Why are we watching all this bullshit? "

Michael shrugged. " There's not a lot else to watch, the others are gone and we're both kind of tired. If you have a better idea, I'm open for suggestions. " He replied, Pete hummed: conveying that he was thinking.

Thing it, Pete was honestly rather clingy to his boyfriend despite his hatred to that trait, he didn't want to show Henrietta it, didn't want Firkle to know... Though Raven wouldn't be much of an issue, he wouldn't care, probably heavily support it. They all rather would, he just didn't like it. So when he could drop in suggestions, he let it slip from his mouth without second thought. " Turn on some nice music, nothing wild, calmth. I wanna cuddle with you. "

Michael looked rather startled, not opposed to the idea, he quite liked to cuddle, but Pete has always acted awkward when it came to the subject or when Michael would hug him when they were alone.

" Alright, cmere. " Michael said, turning on Spotify on his TV now and turning on a playlist while Pete snatched a pillow with a small smile, laid it over onto Michael's chest and laid down. Michael's arms softly going up to wrap around his smaller boyfriend, eyes shut. Pete simply letting himself relax hearing the calm breaths of the taller, making a deep breath leave him.

" This is really nice.. " Michael mumbled, Pete humming softly in agree.. They stayed further like this until a few crackles were heard... And before they knew it, they were sitting in the pitch black: in silence, the only light coming from the open curtain that let in moonlight, and the very faint green light of Pete's phone, signaling a notification.

" Did- " Michael started.
" Did the power just drop? " Pete asked, gaining a grin out of Michael.
" Yes, the power dropped. "
" I don't know the correct term for it Michael don't bully me. " Pete said, pushing his weight into Michael's chest softly, causing him to groan softly. " We got a power cut.. I'll text my dad about it, could you fetch the candles so we got light? " He said, Pete looking down at him for a second, before planting a kiss on his forehead with a smile. " Alright. "

Pete got up and got up the stairs, while Michael sat up and went to text his dad. Despite the blackout, Michael really appreciated moments like that, when Pete wasn't scared to let out a more affectionate side, he acted opposed to it. But he'd be lying if he didn't actually love to be affectionate with Michael. Give him kisses, cuddle with him, compliment him on small things, make stupid jokes that would get a chuckle out of the more stoic boy. They both liked it. And once Pete got more comfortable with being more clingy: Michael was soon to follow.

Pete soonly returned with some candles in hand, placing them on the little table in front of the couch, Michael spreading them out around the living room a bit while Pete got the matches.

He lit them, and they were back on the couch again, somewhat cuddling. " You texted your dad? " Pete asked, Michael nodding with a soft hum, laying his face softly into Pete's neck, letting his head rest on his shoulder while his arms were around his waist gently.

A comfortable silence filled the room as the two laid together. A hitch in Pete's breath happened, and it was a signal to Michael that he was asleep. It was some later after all, and Pete was an easy sleeper.

Michael smiled softly in himself, waiting for a while, letting Pete get asleep further before moving to lift him up. Like a piggyback ride, but chest to chest instead of chest to back.

His hands holding his thighs, while he let the shorters head go over his shoulder, the subconsciousness of him also softly wrapping his arms around him, Michael began his way up the stairs, hearing very soft sounds coming from Pete he couldn't help but smile at. He got the door open and moved inside, gently laying Pete down into his bed. Giving a soft kiss to his forehead before he moved back out of his room and down the stairs. Leaving Pete to rest calmly and comfortably.


Aaaa them
Ngl I really liked writing this one because it was a small challenge, because I barely know these characters
So I hope I did well, actually.
Feedback on this chapter on both story and character is very much appreciated!!

933 words

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