Chapter 26

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Halt and Gilan were talking privately as they walked across the camp. Halt glanced behind them to check on their other companions once again.

"If you keep doing that they're going to think we're talking about them," Gilan commented.

Halt gave him a withering gaze.

"Good," he growled, glancing once more at George and Annalise as they watched over Will. "It'll keep 'em on their toes."

They walked together in silence for several more minutes. Halt risked a quick glance at Gilan. He was chewing his lip, a sign that Halt knew to mean the young man was thinking deeply.

Halt gave him a few more minutes to himself. He knew that Gilan was terribly worried about Will, just as Halt himself was.

Finally, he decided it was time to get back to business.

"We need to talk about the camp," he finally said. They stopped where they were. Halt had led them to the tent that had caused him the most concern. Up close, it was only that much more obvious that the leader of this group had resided here. The question was, where was he now?

"About that," Gilan said slowly, and Halt turned to look at the man.


"Well seeing as how I was a little preoccupied yesterday, having arrived to see mass slaughter-"

"I wouldn't say mass slaughter," Halt cut in.

"And Will on his death bed-"

"I've already told you he'll make it through this."

"I forgot to fill you in on what I found out from the library."

Halt paused. Of course, having been so focused on keeping Will alive and on the road to recovery, he had also forgotten to ask Gilan about his side mission.

"Of course," he said thoughtfully. "Anything useful?"

Gilan screwed his face up in thought.

"I'm not sure," he finally replied. "All I could get was the group's name and a few small details on their plans."

Halt nodded. "Anything helps."

"They're called the Outsiders," Gilan continued. "Apparently they're taking over Hibernia and were hoping to score a secure foothold here in Araluen. I'm not sure why they chose Highcliff, but I think..."

Gilan continued to share his suspicions aloud, but Halt was no longer listening. He felt himself tense slightly at the name of the group that Gilan had said. It was familiar. Annoyingly so.

"...but I saw Annalise and... Halt?" Gilan finally noticed that his mentor was no longer listening to him speak. He waved a hand in front of the older Ranger's face. As if coming out of a day dream, Halt flinched and blinked several times.

"Outsiders, you said?" He finally asked. Gilan nodded, frowning.

"You've heard of them?"

Halt clenched his jaws. "I'm afraid so. Crowley and I spent months rounding them up a while ago. It's been several years now, but we always knew they would return eventually. Religious sects like that don't just disappear. We had hoped they would wait longer before trying to make another move, but I suppose that was just wishful thinking."

"Wait, hold it," Gilan said, waving his hands frantically to stop Halt's torrent of sentences. "Religious sect?"

Halt nodded grimly.

"The Outsiders focus on a made up religion and use that as their ploy. They pretend to be peaceful and tolerant of the villagers' unique beliefs. But eventually bad things begin to happen in the village. That's when these Outsiders step up and offer a solution. They claim their god will protect the village, but only if the villagers bring gold to make an alter out of.

"The attacks and disasters keep happening until the Outsiders have all the gold they want. That's when the attacks mysteriously stop altogether. Unfortunately, the Outsiders also conveniently disappear, along with the gold they've acquired."

Halt glanced around until he found the strange silhouette he'd seen the night he had rescued Will.

"I'd be willing to bet that there is a replica of the alter they claim will bring peace to the village."

Halt glanced at Gilan, who was frowning deeply at his boots. Knowing there was a question brewing in his former student's mind, Halt waited patiently. Finally, Gilan found the words.

"But there have been no reports of such a think around any of the villages," he pointed out. "No attacks or disasters. Not even mention of a new religion. Word about those kinds of things usually spread  like wildfire."

Halt nodded. It was an excellent point, and he was proud of Gilan for having thought of it.

"You're right," he said. "My guess is, this is just a scout party. If these truly are Outsiders, their main camp will be much bigger than the one we've found here. Unfortunately that means that those who escaped will be bringing information back to their superiors. They'll know we are on to them, which makes them that much harder to catch."

Halt carelessly flipped back the flap of the tent they were still standing beside. Inside he could see a room that had clearly been hastily emptied. Stray mugs and pieces of cloth laid across the floor. On boot sat in the corner of the tent. Shaking his head, Halt let the flap fall back into place.

"We'll need to tell Crowley as soon as we can," Halt said, almost to himself. Gilan nodded.

"Of course. And if these Outsiders are as bad as you say, then Will should be honored for having found them."

Halt nodded sadly.

"Will is hard on himself," he replied softly. "Odds are, he'll see this mission as a failure of his and refuse any praise we try to give him."

Gilan considered that point. It certain did sound like something Will would do.

"Maybe if we-"

"Rangers!" Annalise's frantic voice cried. Halt and Gilan both snapped their heads in the direction of the voice. The dark haired girl was sprinting up to them, panting.

"What's wrong?" Gilan asked.

"Come quick!" she cried. "It's Ranger Will!"

Halt took one step forward in fear.

"What about him?" His voice was gruff and emotional.

Annalise shook her head, gasping for breath.

"It's nothing bad, Ranger," she assured them. "Quite the opposite, in fact. He's awake!"

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