Chapter 27

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Halt and Gilan both skidded to a stop and practically slid on their knees as they reached Will's side.

Will was blinking groggily, his eyes staring up at the sky above them. Halt laid a hesitant hand on the boy's shoulder. Immediately, upon feeling the contact, Will's eyes snapped to Halt's face. His own face relaxed at the sight of his mentor.

"Halt?" he asked. Halt felt his heart swell with relief at the strength in Will's voice. "How did you get here?"

Halt stared at his apprentice, watching him closely.

"I received a letter from Baron Philip saying you'd gone missing," Halt explained with a surprisingly gentle tone. "I waited a few more days, trying to give you time, but eventually I decided I had better come check things out."

Unseen by Halt or Will, Gilan glanced at Halt briefly. Having been informed by Crowley of Halt's peculiar behavior when the grizzled Ranger had discovered that Will had gone missing, Gilan was well aware that Halt was currently downplaying the amount of concern he'd felt for Will. Still, Gilan chose to let this fact go unsaid. He knew Halt wouldn't appreciate him shedding light on his rather irrational behavior.

"But I told the baron to wait four days before he sent that letter," Will was saying, his eyebrows furrowed together as he did the math. "There's no way you received that letter and journeyed here to find me that fast, even by riding Abelard."

Halt hesitated, unsure of how to answer Will's unasked question. It was at that moment that Annalise stepped forward.

"I went to see the baron after three days without sign of you," she told Will. Halt and Gilan both noticed with interest that Annalise seemed rather relieved to see Will awake and talking.

"Annalise?" Will asked in confusion. "When did you get here?"

"We brought her," Gilan replied. "We found her just outside the castle. She said she had information about the men you'd gone after and we thought she could be of help."

Annalise continued her explanation in a neutral tone, rushing her words before anyone else could interrupt her. "The baron said he'd sent a letter to Ranger Halt as soon as you had left his office."

Will frowned deeply.

"And just as well he did," Halt pointed out firmly before Will could speak. Will turned a surprised and somewhat hurt expression toward his mentor. Halt met his gaze evenly. "If he had waited, then Gil and I would've been several days later in finding you and George. And I'm not sure that you would have lasted another two days."

At the mention of his injury, Will suddenly seemed to remember that his leg had been shot through with an arrow. Instinctively, he began to push himself up, wanting to take a look at the injured leg. Halt and Gilan both moved to push him back down gently.

"No you don't," Gilan said hastily. "That's not a good idea, Will."

Will glared up at them.

"I'm not dying, you know," he said sarcastically. "I'd like to see how bad it is."

Halt and Gilan exchanged a glance. Finally, Halt shrugged.

"He seems strong enough," he finally admitted. Gilan shared a doubtful look with the older Ranger but ceded to Halt's judgement. Both of them kept a hand behind Will as the younger Ranger struggled to sit up slowly. Finally, he propped himself up on his hands, stretched out behind him.

"Well that's...not good..." Will's voice trailed off as he looked over his wounded calf muscle. Halt watched his face closely. It was clear by Will's concerned expression that he had one thought going through his mind.

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