Chapter 32

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Gilan ran a hand through his hair trying desperately to make it look halfway decent as he stepped up onto the small porch that led to Redmont's kitchens.

He swallowed thickly, knocking on the door three times. Then he stood back to wait.

There was a concerning amount of yelling that Gilan could hear from inside the kitchen. Someone, a man, seemed to be extremely unhappy. Then the door flew open and Gilan flinched as a short, rather thick man stepped outside.

"What do you want?" Master Chubb demanded. Then, as his eyes caught Gilan's Ranger apparel, he withdrew his angry tone slightly. Only slightly, though. " Hullo Ranger. What can I do for you?"

Gilan found himself regretting his decision to show up here. His words caught in his throat. What could he say to get Jenny outside without it looking suspicious?

Unsure of what else to do, Gilan tried for a winning smile.

"I need to see one of your apprentices," he said easily. Chubb frowned.

"Which one?" he asked suspiciously. Chubb kept a very firm hand, and a very close eye, on all of his apprentices. He wouldn't have any one of them putting a speckle of dirt on his kitchen's reputation.

Gilan cleared his throat, hoping and praying he appeared more casual than he did nervous.

"Um.. Jenny Dalby," he said. Chubb's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He assumed the Ranger before him had found some trouble with whoever he was asking to see. But Jenny had been Chubb's star pupil for the past five years. She had never once caused any trouble.

Finally, Chubb seemed to realize that he was hesitating to obey a Ranger. He eyed Gilan wearily for a few extra seconds before turning toward the door leading inside.

"Jenny!" Gilan heard Chubb's voice call out as he moved back into the kitchen. "To the door, girl!"

"Yes chef!" a familiar voice returned, and despite how awkward Gilan felt standing beyond the doorway, his heart swelled and his face broke into a smile. A few seconds later, Gilan's eyes laid on the most beautiful young girl he had ever seen.

"Carl, for the last time, the ladles go in the left drawer!" Jenny cried over her shoulder as she emerged in the doorway. She sighed, shaking her head and wiping her flour-stained hands on her apron before she finally lifted her eyes.

"What can I help you w-" Her sentence was cut off abruptly by a startled cry of joy. She leapt forward and wrapped her arms around Gilan's neck, laughing gleefully.

"Gilan!" she cried happily. "What are you doing here?"

Gilan laughed, wrapping his own arms around Jenny's waist and holding her in a tight hug. All of his previous nervousness was gone as he held her in his arms. Finally, he disentangled her arms from him and stood back to look at her, smiling at the sight.

"I came back with Halt and Will," he explained. "And I thought I could stop by to say hello. I didn't disrupt your work did I?"

Jenny glanced over her shoulder once before shaking her head.

"Oh no," she assured him. "I mean, we are in the middle of preparing for dinner, but it's only for the baron and his wife so it's not too much of an elaborate meal. You haven't interrupted anything."

Gilan smiled, taking her hand in his.

"Good," he said.

They stood for several minutes, staring at each other and blushing at the other's gaze. Finally, a loud crash came from inside, and Jenny winced. She turned sheepishly back to Gilan.

"I think I might be needed now," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. Gilan nodded, feeling the same sadness prick at his heart.

"It sounds like it," he admitted. Still, he didn't release her hands and she didn't pull away. A sudden thought sprang to Gilan's mind, and he suddenly, eagerly pulled Jenny's hand up to his chest.

"Do you happen to have a noon break tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. Jenny smiled excitedly, nodding. Gilan's own smile widened. "Could I pick you up here? We can go to Wensley Village and grab lunch."

Again, Jenny nodded eagerly.

"That sounds wonderful!" she exclaimed. Then, she turned her body ever so slightly to the side. Gilan gently accepted the hint.

"Excellent," he said, releasing her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Jenny smiled back.

"See you tomorrow."

She turned to go back inside, and Gilan felt a sudden, strange impulse. Later, he couldn't retell what exactly had persuaded him to do it, but as Jenny stepped through the door, he called out to her again.

"Jen, wait!"

She turned back to look curiously at Gilan.

Instead, she felt soft lips press against hers. At first, the kiss was gentle, almost hesitant. Then it became more passionate. She felt Gilan's hand slip to her small of her back and he tugged her ever so closer to him until she was on her tiptoes. Caught in the kiss, Jenny instinctively reached a hand up and tangled her fingers into Gilan's hair.

Then, too soon, it was over. Jenny made an involuntary whimper as Gilan pulled away, his face flushed a furious red color.

"Goodnight, Jen," he said, turning suddenly and disappearing around the corner.

Jenny stood for several seconds, catching her breath. Her fingers trailed her lips where Gilan had kissed her.

"Night Gil..." she murmured before turning to go back inside, her eyes slightly unfocused.

Unseen by anyone, Gilan leaned heavily on the wall just around the corner. His heart hammered violently in his chest. 

"I can't believe I just did that..." he muttered. His fingers also trailed his mouth, remembering the feel of Jenny's soft lips. Then, he shook his head, a goofy grin spreading across his face as he made his way back to where Blaze was waiting.

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