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The eighteen year old woke up. Patiently waiting for the cuff around her wrist to be unlocked, she looked up at the ceiling, replaying the dreams she'd had. The lock clicked, and the pale faced woman with bright red lips and white-blonde hair moved to the next girl. Dorothy sat up, rubbing her wrist. Cassandra felt a short pang of jealousy for Dorothy. Dorothy had yet to have the blank emotionless look in her eyes, she had yet to be broken and put back together again.

Cassandra's eyes had been blank since she was eleven. She had no memory of her life before she was taken, just bits and pieces, voices, blurry images. And a pair of bright blue eyes that seemed to hold a special place in her heart. If only she could remember why.

She stood up, the cold wood floor stinging her blistered toes. Snow floated softly outside the barred window, and she wished she could be out with it, letting it fall into her hair, catch flakes on her tongue. Even through the time she'd been here, the things that had been taken from her, erased from memory, they weren't ever able to take away her need to be free. Nothing could ever erase it, it was a part of her.

"Ученики," the pale woman said.

Cassandra lifted her chin, and noticed Dorothy doing the same out of the corner of her eye. Cassandra loved that girl like a mother loves a daughter, and she wasn't supposed to. She'd been redesigned to be emotionless, feel no love, no sadness, no pain.

"Today, your fellow students will graduate. They have passed their tests, now it is time to complete the, process."

Cassandra inhaled sharply, but quietly. Clenching her jaw, to keep from crying, she kept her head up knowing her punishment would only be worse than what was coming. If anything could be worse. She exhaled softly, and watched Dorothy reach for her hand. Cassandra pulled away quickly, not wanting to be punished for attachment.

"Line up, rank in order."

Cassandra walked to the front of the line, as she was the first bed on the left. She'd moved up rather quickly throughout the years, always remaining in the first spot. Then again, if she'd not been in the first bed, she would be six feet underground at the moment. Hearing the other girls line up behind her, silently identifying each one by the way their feet landed on the wood.

The group of ten marched through the halls, to the showers. Cassandra was handed a black leotard, and a pale skirt. Tying the soft ribbon around her feet, she slipped on a pointe shoe. Standing with her peers, she performed the dance that had been drilled into her head for years. Twirling gracefully, she landed softly in the final position freezing until the instructor's cane tapped the floor.

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