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Tony pulled something over his hand, Cassandra realized it was part of one of his suits. A shockwave rippled through the air, and soon after a gunshot. Moments later, Tony came sliding into a wall, before laying still. She saw Sharon run in, and watched her fight. She got a few good hits in before James grabbed her leg, and in a blur, Sharon had crashed through a table and was likely unconscious on the ground.

Cassandra sprinted towards him, throwing a flying knee at his stomach. It caught him off gaurd, giving Cassandra time to pull the leg off a fallen chair. She hit him in the head with it, which did almost nothing except make him angrier. Throwing the wood aside, she elbowed her brother in the face. Natasha kicked him from behind, and Cassandra elbowed, kicked, punched, kneed, anything she could think of.

James started catching on too the way that Cassandra hit, and what she used more than other things. A mistake that she realized too late. Cassandra jumped into the air to kick, but he grabbed her foot, tossing her across the room. She crashed through a window, and laid on the ground for a moment, not sure if she wanted to get up or not.

"Come on, get up," she said to herself.

She stood up, trying to ignore the pain in her, everywhere. James was holding Natasha by the throat, pinning her against one of the tables.

T'Challa appeared almost out of nowhere, distracting James. James turned around and ran up the stairs to another level, T'Challa chasing after him. Cassandra ran to Natasha, helping her up.

"Nat, Nat I- are you alright?"

Natasha coughed a few times, before nodding slowly. Cassandra nodded, and they helped Sharon and Tony up. Once she made sure her friends weren't dead, she ran in the direction that James had gone.

Halfway up the second flight of stairs, her phone buzzed in her pocket. Suprised it hadn't fallen out, she answered the call.

"Cassandra, it's Sam, meet me outside in two minutes."

Before she could speak, Sam had hung up. Cassandra ran to the nearest exit out of the stairs, and found her way down to the street below. A car zoomed up beside her, and Sam rolled down the window.

"Get in. We found him."


Cassandra stacked another crate on top of the vice that James' arm was stuck in. Feet touching the ground, making almost no noise at all, perks of knowing ballet, she swiped the dust off her hands. Steve glanced out the crack in the walls of the abandoned warehouse they were in.

Stepping in front of her unconscious brother, she carefully knelt down. Hesitantly reaching a hand, touching his flesh hand, she whispered his name.


His head shook, and she felt his hand tense. She took her hand away, standing up. Nodding to Sam, he left to get Steve, and James woke up.

"Cass? Cass what happened, where am I-"
"Calm down," she used the calmest tone of voice she could. "You're ok, I'm here."

Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm the tears and anger from her voice, she stood up slowly. Steve and Sam entered, and Steve glared at James.

"Steve." James said sadly.
"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

James hesitated, searching his scattered brain for something that could let them know it was him.

"Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes," a short-lived smile escaped his mouth before Steve spoke again.
"Can't read that in a museum."
"Just like that, we're suppose to be cool?" Sam asked.
"What did I do?" James asked.
"Enough." Cassandra said.
"Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything Hydra put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the words."
"Who was he?" Cassandra asked.
"I don't know."
"People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know.'" Steve said, rather rudely.
"Steve, give him a sec." Cassandra chided.
"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where."
"Why would he need to know that?"
"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier."

Cassandra dropped her head into her hand, knowing this would happen. She was only in Siberia for a few months after she fell, before they transfered her to Sokovia, then to Berlin, then finally to Moscow. She knew almost nothing about what went on in Siberia, but she had heard rumors, from Frank or Klaus, even Peggy, of other super-soldiers. And those rumors must've been true.

"What can they do?"
"Short answer, they're like you, but, much as I hate to say it, better."

Cassandra glared at her brother, who shrugged with his free shoulder.

"Do you really wanna be better than a bunch of psycho assassins?" Sam asked.
"Excuse you, I was one of the psycho assassins."
"Cass, Sam. Stop it."

After a moment of silence, focusing silence, not the awkward kind, one of them piped up.

"If we call Tony-" Steve was cut off.
"No, he won't believe us." Sam said.
"Even if he did," Cassandra trailed off.
"Who knows if the Accords would let him help."
"We're on our own." Cassandra said, somewhat sadly.
"Maybe not. I know a guy." Sam said.

hi hi!! sorry that took so long, but school is hard...
love you guys like mack loves his shotgun axe!!-

love you guys like mack loves his shotgun axe!!-

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