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Cassandra sat bunched up in the seat of the quinjet, holding her knees to her chest, quietly staring out the window at the rain floating down the windshield. Her, James, and Steve had met up with Natasha, who had recently left them on some "family drama", and the four of them went to rescue Sam, and the others who'd been sent to the Raft.

Steve said that he could be the only one to do it. No wonder Peggy always said he was so dramatic. Peggy. She was gone. She'd never considered that, when the doctors told her that she'd stay the same age forever,  that she would have to watch all her friends die, one way or another. And unless she died somehow, she could never be with them. However, when she'd been told that, she didn't have, friends, so it just didnt cross her mind.

Gently breathing in and out, she closed her eyes as she listened to the footsteps walk up the ramp, and slowly get closer to her. She stuck her foot out, and spun around in the chair to face James.

"If you've come up here to console your little sister about the intense sadness and pain she's feeling, then you should go away now before a dagger gets stuck in your skull. If you've come up here to watch the rain drops race eachother," she spun the other seat around. "Then have a seat."

James smiled softly. They, including James, had decided that, when King T'Challa had offered, they would take him to Wakanda so he could be put back under cyro until they could fix his brain. It was a hard decision, mainly for Cassandra, which was why she was up in the quinjet. But she realized that if she had the opportunity to be put under instead of doing all the horrible things and living through all the trauma, she gladly would've done it.

"You wanna place bets on which one wins like we did when we were kids?" James asked.
"Depends. Do you still have the little ballerina charm that you UNFAIRLY took when I was five?"
"Probably not."
"Well you'll just have to buy me a new one."
"What, with all the money I'm about to win?"
"Fine. Ten dollars on the far left."
"Ten dollars on the center one."

The drops fell, Cassandra's taking the lead by far. Then James' blended with another rain drop, and it fell faster. Cassandra cursed and handed James ten dollars out of her jacket. She punched him lightly in the arm, and laughed.

"I really hate you," she joked.
"I hate you too doll."
"James Buchanan Barnes I swear to God."
"You hate it when I call you that, I know."
"But that's why you do it," Cassandra smiled sadly. "I'm gonna miss you James."
"I'm gonna miss you too Cass. But we survived this long without eachother to pester, I think we can make it a few more years."

Cassandra reached over, hugging her brother tightly.

"And, ya know. You have Steve, and that red-head, Natasha."
"I can't belive you remembered her name."
"Didn't you tell me that's what it was?"
"Yeah, but, you're so old."
"So are you!"
"But you were born in 1917, and I was born in 1918. That's a big difference."
"It's one year!"
"Three hundred sixty-five days is a lot more than one, my dear brother."
"You're impossible."

Cassandra smiled. She heard more footsteps come up the ramp, and spun around. Natasha was coming towards her, holding something.

"Hello Miss Romanoff."
"Miss Barnes."
"Steve said that Tony wanted to give this to you, so, here."
"I wonder what this could be."

Inside the small mailing bag was a box, and inside the box was the rag she used for her knives, and the extra few she had left in her room. On the bottom of the box was a letter.

She picked up the envelope, carefully opening and taking the letter.

Dear Aunt Cassandra,

I know that you probably don't want anything to do with me anymore, and I understand that. And I'm not trying to justify my actions, which I still believe were right, but I want to say I'm sorry.

You were there with me when my parents died, and you helped me through it. I never listened to your advice, but you still offered it. You've helped me through hard times to say the least, and I always thought of you like a mother, or a second-mother, I guess.

I hope you manage to keep yourself out of trouble, because I don't know what I would do without you. If you ever need anything, you kinda, know where I live so...

(P.s. I'm sorry for blasting you in the leg, I hope it feels better)-


She smiled at the letter, folding it back into the envelope.

She was on the run, she was about to loose her brother again, she had no clue where her life was going now, but maybe it would all turn out ok.

oh my loki we finally finished it!!

yes, this book was a bit shorter than the last two, and that'll likely be the same for the next book too, but then the last won't be short at all, so yeah.

thank you to everyone who commented, and voted on this book, i love you guys so much!!

love you guys to vormir and back❤❤-

love you guys to vormir and back❤❤-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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