• NINE •

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After getting suited up, the team, made their way out of the parking garage, and onto the lot where the planes came and went. Nothing was coming now, surely the pilots had been told to go somewhere else. Steve explained their plan, and Cassandra decided she would stick with Sam and James. Part of that was her just not at all trusting their capability as a pair, and part of it was her not wanting to fight her friends, specifically Natasha and Tony.

She sprinted to the terminal, the trio running through it as fast as they could. It was a big airport. After a few minutes of running, someone slammed against the glass wall. It was someone the size of a teenager, dressed as a spider.

"What the heck is that?" James asked.
"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Cassandra grumbled.

The spider-child swung through the glass, and kicked Sam into a wall. Cassandra sighed and ran towards the kid. She kicked him in the side, and "gently" punched him in the stomach. He pushed her back with his foot, and she slid into a water fountain. James went to attack him, but he caught James' hand.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!"

Sam flew into him, and the boy got a grip on Sam, flipping him over in mid-air.

"You have the right to remain silent!"

Cassandra and James ran up to the pillar the kid was holding on to, while he was talking to Sam, something about his wings, she had no clue. As if reading each other's minds, James held his hands out, and Cassandra stepped on them, grabbing onto his shoulders. She bent her knees as he lowered his hands, and jumped and James threw his arms up. Cassandra landed almost silently on top of the pillar, and crawled down to where she could see him. Taking a deep, silent, breath, she fell off the top of the pillar, and landed on the spider-ling. He swung out of her way, but she grabbed onto and flipped him over, punching him in the face.

He managed to get on top of her, and kick her over him, into the glass borders over the stair case. She fell through, and landed on her back. No part of her wanted to try and get back up again, but just in case he decided to come back, she pushed herself into a corner that he wouldn't be able to see. James and Sam hit the floor soon after her, and webs stuck their hands to the tile.

Sam's hand was moving underneath the webs. Redwing hit the kid in the back, and shoved him out a window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" James asked.
"I hate you." Sam said.


"Come on, run!" Cassandra shouted, slowing down so Steve and James could keep up.
"Not all of us were injected with two serums Cass." Steve said, catching up to her.
"Everything that I'm injected with is half of what you have. You're just getting old. Come on!"

She ran towards the hangar, and a golden bean of light passed over her head, cutting half of the tower guarding the hangar, blocking the entrance. They were still a while away, and wouldn't be able to get there in time. The red mist pushed the tower up, and the three looked behind them. Wanda was staining to keep the tower up, but she nodded, and they ran like hell.

Cassandra slipped under, as the tower came crashing down, on top of James and Steve.

"NO!" She screamed.

Out of the dust came the two of them, and the rising panic in her chest ceased, to some extent. She hugged them both quickly, and began running again to the quinjet. Natasha appeared in front of them, forcing them back.


Natasha looked at Steve.

"You're not gonna stop."
"You know I can't." Steve said.
"I'm gonna regret this." She muttered.

Natasha raised her arm, and Cassandra braced for electrocution. Nothing happened. She heard someone grunt behind her, and saw T'Challa doubled over, with blue sparks running across his body.


Cassandra smiled at Natasha, thanking her. Steve, James, and Cassandra ran onto the ramp of the quinjet. Cassandra looked back hesitantly, knowing that Natasha would have to take the fall for them getting away, and she felt guilty. James snapped her out of her daze, pulling her into a seat as the jet lifted off the ground.

this chapter sucks. but i haven't updated in a while, so who cares.

ok, so a few things, one my halloween costume came, and it's amazing!! if you didn't happen to know, i'm being peggy carter, and the costume is beautiful!!

two, please don't be a silent reader. if you're going to read my stories, i'd like to know that. vote and comment, i swear i don't bite!! 

three, if anyone ever needs anything, or just want to talk, about anything at all, well consider me your personal threapist. i'm here for all 530-something of you, so don't hesitate to reach out!! <3

ok yeah, love you more than bobo loves nana (if you know you know)!!❤-

ok yeah, love you more than bobo loves nana (if you know you know)!!❤-

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