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"Steve I don't think you understand the purpose of a getaway car."
"What do you mean, this is a perfect car."
"Yeah, but, we're all kind of international fugitives, and you, Sam and James are kind of, um, tall, and I'm kind of short, and that is a small car," Cassandra quietly trailed off.
"Can you just get in the car?"

Cassandra sighed, and opened the door, and got into the tiny car. James was directly behind Sam, and had almost no leg space, and didn't look happy about it. She sat next to her brother, leaning forward to scoot Steve's seat up. Folding her hands in her lap, she tried to just look at Steve, knowing she'd probably start crying if James tried to speak to her.

Steve was standing apart from Sharon, who had kindly brought Steve and Sam's suits to them. They were talking, but she couldn't hear what. Then after a moment, they both leaned in, and kissed. Cassandra felt her eyes widen, then looked to James, who had a smile on his face. Seeing as she was the only one who was even mildly concerned, she put on a fake smile, and went back to looking at her hands as she was before as Steve got in the car.

Steve got into the car, and started the car. Minutes into driving, Cassandra was already done with being in the car, and wanted out. Being stuck in a car with someone else, was one, not something she did very much, besides driving back and forth to Clint's house, and two, was not her thing. Especially is she was sitting in the back.

She propped her arm up on the window, and leaned her head against it, staring at the cars going by. Steve was driving slow, and if this was gonna be a sixteen hour trip, he would have to drive much faster before they all went insane.

"Cass, hey," James whispered, why he was whispering, she had no clue.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Almost killing you," he counted know his fingers. "A few times."
"I didn't die, so you don't need to worry about it."
"I know, but I still feel horrible."
"Oh yeah, killing someone, or trying to, and realizing what you did feels terrible the first few times, but eventually it just goes away," she said, not being able to look at him.
"Cass, I-"

Cassandra looked James dead in the eyes, and said,

"James, I'd rather not do this right now, especially if we're stuck in a car with these two. I don't hate you, I'm just angry. Being nearly killed a few times by your own brother isn't really just something you can forget."

She turned away from him, sighing out her tears. She knew he was hurt, and she knew that was primarily her fault, but to be honest, she didn't really care. She was allowed to be angry, and despite seeming emotionally well, she was still grieving. Her best friend was dead, and she had been moved from one terrible thing to another without anytime to process it. She should've been used to this, but it was all simply too much for her.

So, when she started to cry, she was the only one surprised. She heard Sam mutter something to Steve, and he stuck his hand out. Cassandra reluctantly grabbed it, using the back of Steve's seat to support her head as tears slowly fell down her face. Sam held her hand gently, nobody in the car bothering to speak.

They all knew this was coming, except for James, who had no idea what was happening. Cassandra, who said that she was taught to be able to handle everything, could truly only take so much. It was only a matter of time before she snapped, but no one expected that to be during a sixteen hour road trip.

Cassandra heard whispering, and Sam let go of her hand. She felt cold metal touch her shoulder, and looked up to see James, with his arm around her. She sniffed and leaned her head against him, even though part of her was still angry, but she was too sad to care.

James pulled his sister closer, sitting quietly while she slowly calmed down.


After hours of driving, hours of Cassandra begging to take the wheel because Steve drove like an old man, hours of Sam and James arguing with each other, they finally reached the airport. Swerving into a parking spot, Cassandra got out before the car entirely stopped, and breathed in the air. It smelled like oil, and cars, and other strange things that parking garages smelled like, but it was better than the same stale air she had been breathing in for hours.

Surprisingly, there were hardly any cars besides their's, maybe that's why Steve parked in one of the higher floors, but it felt weirdly empty. A van pulled up beside them, Sam jumping out of the way to not get hit. Clint and Wanda got out. Wanda walked over to Cassandra, and gave her a hug, Cassandra hugged her back.

"Cap." Clint said.
"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice."
"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt."
"Thanks for having my back," he said to Wanda.
"It was time to get off my ass," she shrugged.
"How about our other recruit?"
"He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but, he should be good."

Clint opened the door, revealing another person. The door slammed into its place, waking up the man.

"What timezone is this?" He asked groggily.
"Come on. Come on."

Steve shook his hand, the other guy looking so confused and amazed at the same time.

"Captain America."
"Mr. Lang."
"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America," without letting go he looked at Wanda and Cassandra. "I know you, too. You guys are great," he felt Steve's shoulders, and let go of his hand. "Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so, uh,thanks for thinking of me." 

Steve explained the mission to Scott, who didn't seem to care that he would be a wanted man of he helped them.

"We should get moving." Cassandra said.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint said.
"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren." A man's voice crackled over the PA system.
"They're evacuating the airport." Cassandra and James said.
"Stark." Sam muttered.
"Stark?" Scott asked, still confused.
"Suit up."

finally i updated!!
ok random fact, in 1918 (when cass was born) my birthday was on a tuesday. don't ask how i know that, i was extremely bored after school yesterday.
love you like deke loves orange flavored things!!-

love you like deke loves orange flavored things!!-

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