• SIX •

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Cassandra was sitting on a plane seat, letting one of the pilots stitch up a gash on her shoulder. Where she got it, Lord knows, but it hurt. Trying not to wince, she listened to Steve try and talk her into going to find James.

"Steve, I cannot go to Bucharest."
"Why not Cassandra?"
"Because, once in the sixties, I did some stuff, in Bucharest, and I got arrested. Now evidently, I got out of it, but the government in Bucharest said that if I ever came back, they had orders to shoot on sight, and I know for a fact that they will hold up their end of the promise. I don't know about you Cap, but I don't fancy dying."
"We need you Cass. Buck isn't going to listen to us, but he's gonna listen to you, please."
"Steve, no. I wanna get James back, I do, but really I cannot go."

She heard Steve sigh.

"Ok, feel better Cassandra."
"Thanks Steve. Be careful."

Steve hung up, and the pilot finished putting stitches on the wound. She thanked him, and looked to Natasha, who was staring out the window dramatically. She sighed, and stood up to set next to her friend.

"Why is Natasha so sad?"
"I'm not sad."
"Yes you are. Your lips are doing the thing."
"What? My lips aren't doing anything."
"What's wrong Nat?"

Cassandra knew that Natasha wasn't the most open person in the world, but she wanted to be sure her friend was alright. Natasha didn't answer, so Cassandra sat next to her quietly. Natasha leaned a head on her shoulder after a moment.

"If you're worried about Steve, I, I'm sure he'll be ok. I've known Steve for a very long time, and he's never been that reckless."
"I know, but I feel like something's going to go wrong ."

Cassandra was gonna speak, but the song Natasha had once jokingly picked as her ringtone played. Cassandra checked the number, and answered it.

"What's up Tony?"
"Cass, you and Natasha need to fly to the CIA base in Bucharest. Steve and Sam got arrested, I'm on my way there now, but we need to get there quickly."
"Tony I-"
"I know that you can't be in Bucharest, but you have to come with me. They need to make sure that nobody escaped when Steve and Sam got arrested because they think you were there."
"Ok, we'll be there in a bit."

Cassandra shook her head, and stood up, walking down the aisle to the pilots. She poked her head into the cockpit and informed them of their current predicament. They agreed, and Cassandra sat back down.

After quickly cursing every word under the sun, she sat back down next to Natasha. The red haired woman was worried, and rested her head in her palm. Cassandra put a hand on her shoulder, and didn't move it for the entire flight.


Cassandra rolled her foot around in a circle, stretching it after wearing heels for almost two days straight. Standing beside Natasha, she watched as the psychiatrist that had been hired to help her brother, talked to him. Biting the inside of her cheek, a new habit she'd picked up, she tried to listen to what was happening in the room.

Natasha had her hands in her pockets, staring at the screen. Cassandra couldn't tell if she was thinking, or if she was deeply invested in the conversation happening a few floors below.

She saw the psychiatrist reach for something, something red, and the room went black. The feed from the room cut out, and emergency lights came on. Cassandra's heart beat quickly against her chest as she realized what was happening.

"Oh no. No, no, no, not again," she whispered, turning around.

Steve must have had the same idea, because he came bursting out of the office he was stuck in, rushing towards the stairs, along with Sam. Tony paired with Natasha, Cassandra running down the stairs with Sharon.

James would likely try to escape, and when he did, he'd face two, hopefully three if Natasha had decided to help, of the best female agents on Earth. Cassandra wasn't afraid to fight her brother, he had shot her multiple times throughout their lives, this would be purely payback. And, she would also be defending a number of people who might die, so you know.

"Sharon, you get everyone off the first floor. I'll stay behind, and hold him back.
"On it."

Cassandra heard shouting above her, and jumped behind a pillar. Closing her eyes for a moment, blocking out the noise, she searched for the feeling she'd felt when she was in the Red Room. The ferocity, the need to fight. She remembered the movements, the dance, all the hours she'd spent perfecting every punch she threw, every kick that hit the heads of her enemies.

Cassandra opened her eyes, feeling the fire shoot through her veins. Cracking her fingers, and shaking out her arms, she got ready, one thought going through her head.

This time, she wouldnt go easy on him.

ok, so i'm gonna make these chapters be a bit shorter, just cause i don't want this book to be like ten parts long. so uh, yeah, i hope your day was lovely (or your day is going nicely) and i love all of you guys 3000❤-

 so uh, yeah, i hope your day was lovely (or your day is going nicely) and i love all of you guys 3000❤-

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