• TEN •

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The quinjet jet flew through quickly through the clouds, as the passed a mountain that looked like its top had been cut off by the fog. She sat strapped to a seat, because she didn't trust Steve's ability to fly a quinjet, much like he didn't trust her ability to properly drive a car, and because she wanted her brother and Steve to have a little time to talk.

Leaning her head back against the wall, she quietly hummed a song she'd heard in an old Disney movie, Cinderella maybe. Usually she had rather horrible reactions to most Disney movies, Snow White in particular, but she had graduated the Red Room before most of the movies came out, so the slightly newer ones didn't bother her as much.

Natasha, however, hated all of them, and had terrible reactions to them. There was an unspoken rule, when they all lived under the same roof, that unless Natasha and Cassandra were out, you couldn't have Disney movies that came out before the year 2000. There were always exceptions, like Mulan, or Princess in the Frog, which, from what Natasha had said, were never showed in the Red Room.

"A dream is a wish you heart makes," she sung quietly. "When you're fast asleep."

She didn't know the rest of the words, so she kept humming. She felt herself getting sleepier, and evidently, Steve and James felt the same.

"Cass, you have a lovely voice, but would you please shut up!" James said from the front of the quinjet.

She laughed, and leaned her head back against the wall. Despite the rest of the world entirely falling apart, she found it strange that she could laugh and smile. Who knows, she was probably just going insane. That's what was usually happening anyways.

She took one of the little knives she had in her boots out, fiddling with it. It was so pretty, the silver blade, the black handle with vines and flowers carved into it. It would look amazing shoved through Zemo's throat. She placed it back in her boot, and went back to staring at the wall. There had been many times in her life when she had thought of herself as an extremely hostile, agressive, horrible human, but today wasn't one of those times.

Zemo deserved what was coming.


The quinjet landed on the snowy ground. There was a vehicle, which unlike the quinjet, seemed to be designed for snow, parked near the entrance to a bunker. Cassandra pulled out the drawer full of weapons labeled "BARNES" and selected a few pistols, and a few more knives, just in case stabbing someone in the throat once didn't do the trick. James went to grab something out of her selection, but she stopped him.

"Uh uh, I don't remember much about my childhood, but I do remember that you never gave my stuff back when you used it. Take from Nat's."
"Romanoff, second to the left."
"Romanoff," he said like the name sounded familiar.
"Yeah, if we ever see her again, don't tell her that I let you take her stuff."

James nodded, and pulled the drawer out and snatched a rifle from the rack. Steve, James, and Cassandra stood on the ramp, each of them seemed to be admiring the flakes of snow that fell from the deep gray sky.


You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asked James.
"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?"
"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead."
"James Buchanan Barnes. You did what?" Cassandra asked, remembering that three dollars was kind of a lot of money.
"You would've too, she was beautiful. What was her name again?" "Dolores. You called her Doll."
"She's gotta be a hundred years old right now."
"So are we, pal." Steve said, clamping his hands onto James and Cassandra's shoulders.

They walked down the ramp, Steve putting his helmet on. Cassandra held two short silver knives in her hands, poised and ready to strike. James held up Natasha's rifle, aiming at the metal door.

It was open.

"He can't have been here more than a few hours."
"Long enough to wake them up." James said grimly.
"Let's hope they're not." Cassandra mumbled.

She lead Steve and James down the set of cold metal stairs. Searching through the dark for any sign of movement, she found a light switch and flicked it. A sharp flash of light blinded them for a moment, before the light flickered out into a less-blinding shade of light.

Let's hope they're not.

hello darlings!!
here's a new chapter, though it's a few days late...
anyways, um, watch the new season of the mandolorian on disney+ (if you have it) because that show is freaking amazing!!
love you 3000❤-

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