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"Tony. Tony." Steve begged.

As Tony faced Steve, and she could see the tears in his eyes, all the years of mourning and pain behind them. His voice cracked as he asked,

"Did you know?"
"I didn't know it was him." Steve was lying. Tony turned to Cassandra, who was about to cry.
"Cassandra, did you know?"

Cassandra bit her lip to keep from crying, and nodded. Tony's jaw clenched, and his helmet flipped up over his head. He punched Steve to the floor, and whacked the rifle out of James' hands, and grabbed him. Cassandra picked Steve's shield up from the floor, and threw it as hard as she could. It hit Tony in the neck, and Steve leaped at him.

Tony shoved him down to the floor, and stuck his ankles together. James went to punch Tony, but Tony grabbed his fist and slammed him against as machine. He raised a fist, but James twisted it. A rocket felt into the wall, piperwork, and wall falling as Steve rolled out of the way. The floor collapsed underneath them, and they were shoved down a level, sparks flying.

"Get out of here!" Steve shouted.

James and Cassandra bolted, and a blue, almost white, streak of light passed over their heads. James slammed his fist into a control panel, the ceiling opening, showing them a way out. The pair began climbing up the platforms.

She heard Tony's suit failing underneath them and an energy bolt fly towards her, and she suddenly felt herself falling. She felt warm blood fall down her calf, and she felt the air whoosh by her. Someone caught her, Steve probably. He sent her down on a platform, and kept up to her brother.

She stood up, waiting for Tony to fly again. She shot a wire, one of Natasha's, at his neck. It wrapped around, and Cassandra pulled him down. She pulled until he was close enough for her to jump onto him. Once he was, she climbed up to her shoulders, and elbowed the suit. She stomped on his wrist, damaging the targeting system. Cassandra jumped off, grabbing onto the piping, and scaling the wall.

While she was focused on not falling, again, she didn't notice the explosion until it was right on top of her. She quickly let go, and luckily landed on a platform. Tony grabbed James from behind by the neck, after blocking two attempted hits with an iron pipe. James pushed them from the walkway, and Steve jumped into Tony.

Cassandra hopped down to the platform James had landed on. She helped him up, and the siblings followed Steve and Tony to the wall with openings in it, letting in the snow. Cassandra wiped the blood off her hands, and helped James pin Tony down.

Tony snatched Steve's shield, tossing it into a corner. Cassandra hurled herself at him, both her feet landing on his back. Tony swung around, and grabbed her ankle, flinging her into a wall. She could almost feel her brain rocking around in her skull when she collided with the wall. Cassandra slumped down, landing in a
heap on the hard ground. Her vision blurred in and out, and she decided it was best to stay down.

James was a few feet in front of her, his metal arm torn off entirely. His face was bloodied, and he looked dead. Cassandra crawled over too him, ignoring the fight going on the corner of her eye. She ignored Steve driving his shield into Tony's arc reactor, she ignored the pounding in her head. She collapsed next to James, trying to remember when she fell off the train, trying not to remember that this was how they landed. Bloody, broken, in pain, and laying on the ground next to eachother.

She heard steps toward her, recognizing them as Steve's. She pulled her gently to her feet, and they two of them helped James up.


That shield doesn't belong to you," Steve turned his back. "You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!"

Steve stopped, and dropped his shield on the ground. They kept walking, and slowly made their way out of the base. Cassandra helped Steve set James down, and the sat down next to him. Her hands where filthy with blood and dirt, though the snow was helping was them clean off.

She leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes, and somehow falling asleep.

personally i don't believe endings are my thing, but who cares.
i don't have much to say today, um remember to drink water, and that i love all of you❤-

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