• FIVE •

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Cassandra walked beside Natasha, the same black overcoat she'd worn at the funeral, but underneath was a blue dress Peggy had once gave her for her birthday. She stood behind Natasha, hands folded behind her back respectively. She signed the clipboard that the young woman in the suit had given her. Political people didn't tend to enjoy her that much. Which was strange, because she and Natasha were almost the same person, but she didn't much enjoy them either so it didn't bother her.

"Thank you Miss Barnes." The staffer walked away before she could reply.
"I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight." A young man said.
"Oh, well, it's not always so flattering."
"You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill, I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company."
"Well, I'm not." Cassamdra said, shrugging her shoulders.
"That alone makes me glad you're here, Miss Barnes."
"Why? You don't approve of all this?" She said, cocking her head, a small smile on her face.
"The Accords, yes. The politics, not really. Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred."
"Unless you need to move a piano." An older man appeared next to him.
"Son. Miss," he trailed off.
"Cassandra Barnes, King T'Chaka, please, allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria."
"Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to all this. I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers will not be joining us today."
"Yes, so am I."

A man over the speakers spoke, requesting that everyone find their seats. Natasha came to Cassandra, nodding respectively to King T'Chaka and Prince T'Challa.
"That is the future calling. Such a pleasure." The two men walked away.
"Thank you." Cassandra said.

Natasha turned to her.

"Come on," she whispered.
"Cass why not?"
"Something's up, I can feel it."
"Nothing's gonna happen. Besides, if your anxiety gets out of control, I can't help you from across the room."
"I'll be ok, can I just stand by the window to make- it'll ease my worries."

Cassandra walked to the large clear glass wall. T'Challa nodded to her from the other side of the podium. She nodded back, and glanced down at

"When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria, were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows." Cassandra tuned out the rest of the king's speech.

She noticed T'Challa looking down at the street below with a worried expression, and she followed his eyes. Police were investigating a news van. The bomb dog, sniffed it for a moment before starting to bark and people started to run.

T'Challa and Cassandra sprinted forward, T'Challa screaming,


Cassandra tried to make it to Natasha, but the blast exploded, shoving her into a wall. She slid down the wall into a heap. Glass was stuck in her elbows, her knees, everything, and her head hurt.
Oh how her head hurt. She couldn't find the energy to stand up, but she saw Natasha standing up and looking around for her.

"Nat!" Cassandra called, painfully raising an arm.

Natasha ran to her, and slowly moved her up so she was sitting. Crouching in front of her, Natasha plucked some of the glass from her friend's skin. Cassandra winced everytime, but she was thankful that it was out. An evacuation team ran through the door, searching for people who would need help. Someone shown a flashlight directly into her eyes, causing the headache drumming against her skull to worsen.

Natasha noticed this, and got them to go away. She, along with a member of the evac team, helped her up. The elavators weren't operational, so the three of them had to walk down maybe fifteen flights of stairs, which isn't enjoyable anyways, but having a splitting headache and every single part of your body hurts? Feels like a walk through hell.

Once they were outside, the evac person ran back inside to help any others in need of assistance. Natasha sat the both of them down on a bench under a tree. Cassandra closed her eyes, breathing in and out slowly to soothe her head, which felt like it was being cut in half by a saw.

"Are you sure you're ok Cass? You look like you're gonna throw up."
"I'm alright Nat, I promise."

She rolled her shoulder in circle, and winced when it popped in a way it wasn't supposed to. Natasha's eyes widened, and she was about to speak when her phone went off.

"Are you and Cassandra ok?"
"Yeah, we're ok, uh, for the most part," she glanced at Cassandra.

Natasha got up, walking away so she could privately speak with whoever was talking, probably Steve. Cassandra closed her eyes, head down, trying to fight through the head ache. Who knew that being thrown against a wall by an explosion would hurt so much.

short chapter, sorry bout that. but i realized this book may not be so long, so i'm gonna make the chapters a bit shorter to make the book longer.
remember that i'm always here if any of you need me, and i love you all 3000❤-

 remember that i'm always here if any of you need me, and i love you all 3000❤-

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