• ONE •

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Cassandra sat on a stool, drinking a cup of coffee under an umbrella outside a café. Wanda sat three people to her left, and Natasha was behind her. Each woman had a comm in their ear, and was looking around for their target.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind right?" Wanda asked.
"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature," Cassandra said.
"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked.
"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" Cassandra asked.
"Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him," Steve reminded.
"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us." Sam joked.
"Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it," Steve ordered.
"That truck’s loaded for max weight. And the driver’s armed," he answered after a few moments.
"It’s a battering ram." Natasha said.
"Go now." Steve said.
"What?" Wanda asked.
"He’s not hitting the police." Cassandra said.

She jumped up, and followed Natasha to a motorcycle. She got on the front seat, hearing Natasha grumble as she sat behind Cassandra. She sped off, following the garbage truck. They looped around the Infectious Diseases Center, and Cassandra jumped off the bike. Natasha quickly got a handle on the swerving bike, and Cassandra climbed up the gutter pipe to the roof with Sam. He knocked two men off a roof, and Cassandra swept the other two off their feet. She completed a complicated move, ending with three men having snapped necks.

"Show off," Sam grumbled.

She shot another man down, until they were surrounded by the bodies of ex-Hydra soldiers. Sam and Cassandra stared at eachother, out of breath to some extent, nodded, and went their ways. Sam flew down, shielding Wanda while she did her magic thing. Cassandra saw Natasha fighting Rumlow, and leaped down to help her. She slid down the pipe again, suprised it could hold her weight. She was two feet from the ground when an explosion flashed in the corner of her vision.


She let go, feet landing on the ground. Cassandra sprinted towards the van, sliding into the grass as Natasha climbed out. Coughing, the other woman held a hand out when Cassandra tried to help her.

"It's ok, I'm ok."
"Don't do that." Cassandra said, helping her up.
"He's in an AFV heading north." Steve said.
"I got four, they're splitting up." Sam informed.

Cassandra and Natasha got on the motorcycle again. They jumped off, and chased after two of the men.

"We got the two on the left." Natasha said.
"They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload," Steve said.

Cassandra ran at one of them, Natasha attaching the other. She pinned him to the ground, digging through his bag and patting him down. She stood up quickly, when he didn't have it, pointing one gun at him, and the other at the man with it.

"Drop it. Or I’ll drop this. Drop it!"
"He'll do it!" The other shouted.

Redwing, Sam's robot-bird-thingy, and shot the man with the vial. As he fell to the ground, it flew in the air, and Natasha shot the other. Cassandra grabbed it inches from the ground.

"Payload secure. Thanks, Sam." Natasha told Sam.
"Don't thank me."
"I’m not thanking that thing."
"His name is Redwing."
"I'm still not thanking it."
"He's cute. Go ahead, pet him."

Natasha scoffed, but Cassandra hesitantly reached a hand out to pet the metal flying thing. She smiled at it, and ran off with Natasha to find Steve.

Cassandra flinched when she heard a bomb go off, and then screaming. She ran towards the sound, seeing Wanda and the red mist surrounding a screaming Agent Rumlow. The young woman lost control, and tried her best to get the explosion away from the crowd of trembling people. The explosion burst to life at the side of an office building, running through it. Glass shattered, fires raged, people cried out. Wanda covered her mouth with her her, tears welling in her eyes. Cassandra reached an arm across the girl, pulling her back.

Wanda crumbled into Cassandra's arms, the older woman carefully putting two hands across her, rubbing her back as she sobbed. She saw Steve, in shock, muttering a few words to Sam, and she knew Natasha was trying to keep the people from attacking poor, sobbing Wanda.

"What have I done?" 


Cassandra had one leg stretched out on the carpet, the other tucked in towards her body. Leaning over, she grabbed her toes, feeling the stretch run through her leg. The TV was on, the news going, but she tried not to let it bother her too much.

Being a murderous assassin for some thirty-six years meant that you would be in and on the news and called a number of things, none of which were appropriate to say in public, on the regular.

Switching legs, she stretched again, and heard footsteps behind her.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. pause the TV please," she turned around to face the owner of the feet. "What do you need?"
"Do you have some sort of sense that tells you when someone is coming?" Tony asked.
"Maybe. What do you need?"
"Can you get down to the conference room please?"
"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec."

Tony turned away, and Cassandra stood up, kicking up towards the ceiling a few times to get one more good stretch on her legs. Pulling on her shoes, she walked down the hall to the conference room and sat down in between Wanda and Natasha.

someone needs to reset 2020. i don't care who it is, thanos could do it and i'd be happy.
also, rest in power chadwick, we love you ❤

and i love you guys 3000-

and i love you guys 3000-

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