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wherein kim seungmin mistook hyunjin as a girl because of his long hair and the pretty face of his.



     "seung, i dare you to flirt with a girl." changbin smirked, "bet you can't cuz you're a coward." he added. seungmin scoffed, "excuse me? it's kim seungmin. i can do whatever i want. right jeongin?" he said, nudging jeongin who was just eating peacefully.

"uh? yeah." he said, not knowing what they're talking about.

changbin shrugged, "then go ahead. i'll be watching." he said, crossing his arms.

"fine." he said, getting up.

seungmin stood up and looked around the cafeteria and found a girl sitting alone. seungmin bit his lower lip, "hm that one is pretty. hey imma hit her up." seungmin said to changbin.

"yeah pick whoever you want. go ahead."

seungmin confidently walked to her table and sat down next to her with his head rested on his palm, "hey pretty, what's your name?"

she looked at him weirdly, "excuse me?-"

"you're a dude?!"

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