Part 14

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Tom is singing in the shower and it echoes down the hallway to reach your ears in the kitchen. He's trying to lure you in as a siren would a sailor. The water heating in the kettle, the ultimate promise of caffeine, helps to keep you grounded.

You scoop one foot underneath you when you sit at the kitchen table to scroll through messages on your phone. Matt wants to know all about your trip. He is somewhere on the eastern seaboard back stateside and reminds you that there is 'only' a five hour time difference. In Smith-speak that translates to: call me or else.

Mark had sent a few messages asking after your plans – then just requesting that you call him. You check the time. It is still a little early to be calling, even if the messages say ASAP. Benedict, evidently still on London time – poor thing, has sent you a list of a few places to wander while waiting for Tom. Honestly you aren't all that interested in sightseeing without having Tom there to share the moment but you'll take Benedict's advice all the same.

You are just finishing pushing the plunger down on the French press when Tom enters the kitchen. He wraps you in his arms, careful not to interfere with your pouring of the hot liquid. "Hmm smells fantastic."

You press yourself back into his body for a minute but your craving for caffeine ultimately draws your forward again to retrieve your mug from the counter top. Coffee in hand you settle back into the chair that you had claimed at the table. Tom remains standing, choosing to lean back against the counter near the sink. After a sip at his mug he tilts his head towards the coffee machine, his question silent.

"I found the press while searching for the packets for the coffee maker." You shrug with your reply.

Tom eyes you and opens the cabinet just above the machine to reveal the needed supplies. You scowl. You could have sworn you looked there.

"You could have come to ask me." He knows why you didn't but voices the comment all the same. "What are your plans for the day?"

You swirl your coffee around in the mug. "Go to the park? Maybe window shop. I'll figure something out to keep myself entertained. I do owe everyone back home a few calls, eventually. Mark was particularly adamant."

"More news regarding the Touring Sundays sequel?"

Such an adorable fanboy. "You'll know as soon as I know anything more about the project..... He's probably just worried I'll get lost wandering around London." You look at your phone with a slight scowl before rolling your eyes.

Tom chuckles and checks his watch, setting him in motion again. "I second Mark on that. Please don't get lost. I'll keep you updated as best I can regarding the day. We could do lunch if you find yourself nearby when we break?" He waits until you nod before setting his mug down and patting his pockets. You can see the outline of his phone in his pocket and hear the jingle of his keys when he taps them. "Keys! You'll need a key..." Tom hurtles from the kitchen leaving you blinking after him. You are about to stand to find out where he rocketed off to when he bounds back into the kitchen, stopping just short of you and squatting down to be closer to eye level with you. He presses a single shining key into your hand. "Glad I remembered where I'd stashed that." He rests his hands on your knees while you examine the key, "The uh – lock sometimes sticks, just so you know."

You nod, finally pulling your eyes away from the silver key and up to meet his gaze.

He puffs out a sigh, "I wish I could stay and have breakfast... among other things." He leans forward to kiss you, sliding his hands up your thighs to your hips before disengaging and moving to stand again.

"Was that payback for not joining you in the shower?" You lick your lips after he stands fully. Your body is now humming with desire again. Damn you Hiddleston.

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now