Part 25

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"I wish I could go with you." You're sitting with your elbows propped up on the table before you with your chin resting in the palm of your hand. You're watching Tom get ready for an awards show that you can't attend. Tom's on the same continent and you can't see him. So. Incredibly. Frustrating. Watching him get dressed has been a whole other kind of frustrating which just makes the scenes you'll be going back to that much more problematic.

He holds up two ties for you to choose from, holding the left up to his collar first. You shrug, drawing a laugh from him. "Ditto. Our schedules haven't been cooperating, have they." When he holds the right tie up you make a face and he laughs harder, "Ok, the first one it is."

You watch him affix his tie. He looks wonderful in a suit. And you? Today you're in your birthday suit – well nearly. The bedroom scene between Jack and Emily had been on the docket for the day. It seems like it is taking forever to get the shot right too. You have a robe tightly secured at the moment.  Once done with his adjustments he lets you give him the once over, "You look wonderful, Tom."

He grins and then fumbles through picking up his phone to bring it closer to him, "And you look – wait, what are you wearing?"

"Er. Something from wardrobe. I'm not about to walk around naked between takes. I'm uncomfortable enough as it is. The sex scene is still incomplete and..." Tom is making an odd face. "It's taking forever to shoot. Ben is being an absolute gentleman about it. What?"

Tom shakes his head, "Let's not talk about you being in bed with Ben, please."

Talking about it is better than keeping the details from him and letting him wonder until he hears about it from another source or sees it in the movie. You can understand his discomfort but he's not alone in the feeling. "Ok – um. We've nearly finished painting the entryway and the living room at my place. The kitchen is next. Oh! The loveseat you sent me is gorgeous. It's still under a layer of wrapping to protect it from being splattered at the moment..."

You pause when he nods in the direction of the door to his hotel room, responding to something you didn't hear. "John and Bruce are here."

You glance down at your attire. You're definitely not dressed to have a conversation with them. "I'll get back to work then. Say hi to them for me. And send me pictures if you can?" After you end the call you shake your head. Something always seems to derail the infrequent conversations you have with Tom. More to the point, something you say derails the conversations. Here let's bring up the goddamn nudity you experience with one of his friends – that'll be an excellent topic for discussion.

It's a huge relief when the day is finally over and you can get back into your clothes. Benedict had been fiercely protective of you throughout, even pausing between takes to scold a grip he thought to have been enjoying the view a bit too much.You could have handled the issue yourself but you'd just wanted to get through the day as quickly as possible.

Knowing that it would be a long day and content that the studio's security team had you adequately protected, Richard had gone shopping for more painting supplies during the day's shoot. It had been something to keep him from seeing you naked – something you were hoping to avoid.

On the ride home you scroll through the photos that Tom had sent to you of the awards show. He'd even sent you a video of the crowd mingling before him before spinning his phone in his hands to wave at you. It's late but you might be able to find a feed of the show somewhere – you really should invest in some form of tech other than your phone so you aren't so dependent upon it for your news fix. Watching the show on a computer or television would help you to find the one man you're dying to spot in the crowd. You tap out a message to Tom. 

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