Part 76

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  Previously in YOJA: Holidays are, without argument, one of the worst things to face in the aftermath of a bad breakup. Spending time with family would have made sense if some of them weren't part of the reason for the heartbreak. Remaining abroad and spending a little time rebuilding yourself had been your plan for surviving Christmas and New Years, up until Matt had offered a trip to London to celebrate with his family. A solution to satisfy all parties involved; your father, Mark, Matt, et al. And it was a solution that was working, helping you to forget your heartache for a little while, up until spotting someone familiar in the crowd. 


Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. Going with Matt was a way to make amends for spending a day out and about with his sister. The 'girls day' had been a much needed thing, but you had accepted his invitation for the holidays, not hers. You may very well be friends with them both, but at the time fair had only seemed fair.

You'd known the risk of saying yes to spending the holiday in London. Hadn't you hoped for some sort of happy accident? Hoped to run into Tom?

Still, you'd gotten caught up in the lights, the festivities, the food. It had always been a favorite time of year. You'd let down your guard and then — there, there not twenty people removed, was a familiar face. Tom's mother, and so far you've only spotted one of his sisters, along with her husband and little one.

Only one thought follows as your brain commands your body forward:

Where is Tom?

Is he here? Is he with them? Just not wandering through the crowd with them at the moment?

Tom. Where is Tom?

As Matt becomes aware that your silence isn't tied to considering his question about the vendors – additional food is so unnecessary, so unimportant in this moment – he belatedly notes the direction in which your focus is frozen. You've left him behind, already in the process of putting one foot in front of the other as Matt speaks to your back, "Oh! Isn't that..."

Sarah is listening to the little one chatter, and then nods, leaning for a brief public display of affection before her husband heads off in the opposite direction, child in tow. That will save from explaining yourself further, but you can't help but feel a pang of loss at the lost opportunity of a hug from each of them. You've fond memories of the little spider monkey running to greet you.

Assuming there would be hugs. Sarah had been hostile for a time during your first encounter with her, owing to what you put Tom through before and your lack of faith in him. If she'd been frosty then, what must she think of you now? What must the entire family think of you, now?

That line of thought almost slows your steps. Almost. Neither Sarah nor her mother have seen you. They wouldn't know of the opportunity to reconnect if you just veer off and avoid them. Nobody would need to know about the near miss. Hell, you could just turn around and return to Matt.

Matt! Matt, your host here in London who you promptly forgot about the very moment you saw Tom's mother. After a half-heard comment, did he follow? Will he witness the train wreck up close? Or did he remain rooted to the spot, to stand alone and watch from afar?

You'll find out soon enough.

Your feet draw you closer still. Any moment now Sarah or Diana will turn and notice you. Any moment now their gaze will fall in your direction, pass over your face, and recognition will dawn. Any moment now you'll see that quick procession of expressions. Familiarity that will darken into dismay. Any moment now they'll –

You're doing it again. Getting ahead of yourself, nearly letting your assumptions spin wild tales.

Mother and daughter pull you in – but where is Tom? You still haven't spotted him, but that doesn't mean he isn't somewhere close at hand. He might have ducked away, attention caught by the wares in a shop. Or maybe he's sheltering someplace warm and due to meet back up with the group as soon as he can feel his extremities again.

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