Part 15

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After strolling around the park near Tom's place, and adding more than a few photos to the growing collection on your phone, you make your way to one of the nearby cafés that Matt recommended. You consume a light breakfast before wandering on towards the shops where Benedict suggested you browse. It is convenient that there are shops dotting the streets between your current location and where Tom is working.

You mostly plan on window shopping and people watching to pass the time. The only thing that is really on your shopping list is something barely there and made of lace. Tom might not have complained but it is hard to feel sexy in yoga gear - or rather - being peeled out of yoga gear. While you wander, and while Tom is still waiting for his scenes, you exchange messages regarding the progression of the morning.

You have made the mistake of referring to the park where he runs as 'his little park', and he now refuses to refer to it as anything else. We'll run there tomorrow if you're up for it. You may not like my little park so much then.

You tap back a response, while unable to decide between the variations of the lingerie you have sought out. We'll run there tomorrow if you are up for it. You are the one at work right now. I need your opinion. Blue, red, grey, black? 

All of the above? How does that relate to running? Or work? I'm lost, love.

It doesn't. Choose one please. Does it help if I further define the colors? Royal blue, cherry red, gunmetal grey, midnight black? You'd describe the lace patterns too but then that might give him too much of a hint and would take away the fun of keeping him guessing.

Not in the slightest. Context?

Oh just pick a color. "You'll thank me later, Tom." You murmur.

You huff at his next message. I stand by my answer until you give me more to go on.

Fine. When you are stubborn, this is what you get Tom... You arrange the lingerie side by side, snap a photo and send it to him. You're starting to lean towards the gunmetal grey one – the pattern of the lace is slightly different than the others and the color looks nice against your skin. It is taking him a moment to respond... If he likes what he sees you'll gladly reap the rewards once back at his place. That is, after all, the point of purchasing said item of clothing.

Tom's reply makes you laugh aloud which draws a few curious glances. Peter would like to know why I just spat my water all over him. My answer stands – all of the above. Of course now they're giving us a five minute warning. While Peter dries out I need to go try to settle my mind again.

You are halfway through responding when you see a message from Mark. Out of meetings, finally. Call if you are able.

You finish your apology to Tom quickly, Sorry Tom! Sorry! Though I did try to keep you in the dark... Go get into character and I'll get back to my shopping. Remembering that he had said that he didn't think they would be finished by noon you add to your note. Will we be okay meeting at 1?

Yes. Meet me there. Silly to have you walk to meet me and then backtrack. You find yourself nodding in response, as though Tom can see you.

He may have said yes to all four of the colors, but you only have so much space in your suitcase. You are back to comparing each of the four when you dial Mark's number. He sounds a bit hesitant in greeting you which makes you wince. "Mark? Don't tell me that they're asking me to come back already. I just got here...." And you really want to wear one of these – any of these – all of these – and see Tom's reaction...

"What? No? No. Not that I've heard, ______. Look..." When he has bad news he always slows down the tempo of his speech. You've learned to be wary of his carefully measured words. "Eddie and I have been talking and agree that it might be a good idea to look into personal security for you."

You trace your fingertips over the lace patterns, "You know I'm not crazy about the idea of having someone babysitting me. Has something happened?"

He hems a bit and you hear the rustle of papers. Suddenly you find the image of the stack of hate mail that he had in his office appearing in your head. Maybe you were - thereby he was getting more? Oh wow – that thought makes your stomach clench.

"Just – I feel like a broken record here – be careful. You're in the headlines now whether you want to admit it or not, _______. You haven't been telling people on set, or anybody there, exactly where you'll be moving, right?"

Had you? You try to think back. "I – um – no? I don't think so... Just that I'm excited about having my own place again? Oh, speaking of my own place and Eddie and the hotel... Can you possibly go by and see if I packed my silver bracelet in the bag I left in the room? You know the one –"

Mark cuts you off, "That your mother gave you. I'll see what I can do. So now that we have the work part of the call behind us – how's London?"

"A little chilly at the moment but I've got a jacket and..."

"And Tom." He laughs.

You continue while ducking your head to hide your smile, "And a hat on. I'll do my best not to get sick while I'm here." You replace the blue and red pieces in their respective piles in the store's display and scoop up the gunmetal and the black negligées to take to the register.  

"I'm sure Benedict and the crew will greatly appreciate your efforts." He is still laughing at you but is thankfully interrupted. "And there's my call waiting. I wrote myself a note regarding the bracelet. Don't worry. It will turn up. Have fun over there."

For the remainder of the morning you return to your original plan of window shopping. You have to keep reminding yourself that your suitcase is fairly small and was pretty full on the trip over – not to mention the fact that you want to avoid a charge for extra weight if you can help it.

You've meandered your way towards the restaurant where Tom wanted to meet. The day has warmed up enough that you are able to remove your jacket and wait for his arrival while standing out on the sidewalk in the sunshine. 

A quick check of the time on your phone confirms what you suspect – Tom is running a little late. Really he should be staying on set during his lunch break, not meeting up with you. If you keep this up you'll become known as 'the woman that distracts Tom from his work at every chance'. Even with the restaurant being in close proximity it adds costume changes and additional time in makeup and... You are about to call him to tell him not to worry about lunch - that you'll see him at his place at the end of the day, when you see him appear around the corner of the building. Tom's silhouette stands out in the crowd of people, at least to your eye.

You smile when you realize that he is hurrying. Is this a prelude to seeing him exercise tomorrow? He may be running a few minutes late but that is no need to jog. You tilt your head to the side while watching his gait a little more closely. No.. that is closer to running. 

Your curiosity stifles your giggle as you watch Tom running up the sidewalk towards you – did your picture of your lingerie purchases inspire him to want to see you that badly? You start to lift your hand in both greeting and question when he spots you and starts making hand motions to you in return. His is not a wave of greeting but frantic motions for you to go in the restaurant. You see why momentarily.

Tom is being chased.

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