Part 24

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Trying to focus on putting something together with Tom providing commentary is incredibly difficult. The one thing that is in your favor is that via video chat he remains only a mental distraction and not a physical one. You do eventually get the bedframe together once you find the missing piece – the segment that joins the headboard to the siding had somehow gotten hidden in the stack of protective wrap that you'd thrown behind you. Tom had still been laughing about it after you'd completed the structure and said goodnight.

Your first week back on the job is a flurry of activity. As agreed, you wait for Richard before going running in the morning. Richard then escorts you to work, you spend all day pouring over pages with Benedict and the rest of the cast, and then Richard escorts you home, sometimes with an added detour to pick up various supplies needed for working on your place. You have an off day this coming Sunday and both Richard and Benedict have promised to come over to help you paint the walls of the living room. Still two days to go so your supplies sit in the corner of the room calling your name.

Now that you've relocated from the hotel and you don't have the convenience of a gym at your immediate disposal you get your exercise running around the neighborhood. It reminds you of running in the mornings with Tom – if only there were a small park close by you wouldn't have to dodge the occasional early morning walker. The first morning you go running it is just you and Richard, the second, a photographer keeps pace for the first mile. After that it seems that you have a duckling trail following you, one that grows in number each subsequent day.

On the ride in to work you send texts to Tom describing the procession. You usually exchange some sort of banter, something that helps to start your day with a smile. You start today's conversation off talking about the photographers bobbling their cameras while jogging.

I think Richard & I counted 10 this morning. It's starting to look like a parade. Is it wrong that I keep running longer & longer distances to see who can keep up? One's camera strap nearly broke on him, poor little ducky.

Tom's reply follows quickly.

Don't make me laugh! Meeting at the moment. But that's my girl. Keep them on their toes.

You're curious but don't follow with another text. If you'd known he was going to be in a meeting you would have waited to message him. Whatever it is about, he'll tell you the details when he has the time. The last time you'd heard his voice was when you were putting your bed together. Maybe there will be time later in the day for a phone call – but it always seemed like one of you had something going on. Your availability was only going to get worse from here on out. You'd agreed to film a spot next Saturday, and Mark was still turning up new projects that were so very tempting.

"Alright Mark, I'll tell her." Richard has been having a muttered conversation with Mark while you were mulling things over in your head. He had promised to tell you something yet keeps his eyes on the road after he ends the conversation with Mark.

You wait a beat before prompting him, "So.... Tell me what?"

"The head of security over at the hotel –"


Richard bows his head and amends his words, "Eddie has been spooling through security tapes with the police and they found something. Found someone using the staff elevator to gain access to the floor. Once just before your trip and then again the day before you got back. They're gonna want to talk with you – show you some pictures – see if you recognize anyone."

Some chilling news regarding the break-in. It hadn't been a onetime deal. "Ok. When?" Sooner would be better than later. You'd love to know who had done it and why.

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now