Part 19

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The same two security guards that had picked you up from the restaurant are the ones to take the pair of you to Tom's. Tom lags behind you on the walk up to his door while he chats with the guards. You use the time to pull the key that Tom had given you out of your pocket. A thrill runs through you as you flip the key around in your fingers, impatient to get to use it again. You cast a glance at the two men standing behind Tom, patiently waiting to see the pair of you safely enter his place. You reach out to softly run a finger down Tom's spine which makes him stutter slightly through his words and eliciting chuckles from both guards.

"I'm going in. Thank you for rescuing us today guys." You inch your bag from Tom's shoulder and head for the door. You wait for a moment in the main room but Tom remains out in the hallway. He is probably apologizing for the necessity of them driving him home. You walk down the hall to the guestroom to deposit your bag and plug in your phone to charge.

"______?" You can hear Tom calling your name as he tries to search you out.

"I'm in here - just plugging in my phone. I'm – oh –" You finish fiddling with the cord and head back out into the hallway to walk right into Tom. He immediately reacts to catch you but it doesn't stop the forward motion since you were hurrying to rejoin him. You further attempt to steady yourself by throwing your hands out and bracing against him while sidestepping towards the wall to use up your momentum. You tap your hands on his chest once after you find your footing, laughing a bit at yourself. "Hah, hello. Finished talking with them I see."

Tom nods, "They wanted to review what time to pick us up tomorrow."

"I thought they were just supposed to take you back and forth to the set." The news makes you raise your eyebrows and then frown. Either Tom was more concerned about the fan encounter that he had today than he previously led you to believe, or he got more tangled up with the fans than he has admitted.

"It won't be the intimate exploration of the city that I had in mind but if it means that we can enjoy each other's company a bit more while you're here so be it." He kisses your forehead to smooth away the furrows formed by your frown. "It's nothing to worry about, no need to frown. Hmmm what time is it - are you hungry? I noticed you took the extra food out to share with everyone."

You wiggle within his grasp and break free to head towards the main room and the kitchen. "I suppose I could eat. Here or?" You glance to see if he is following you or is continuing on his path to his room. If security is required to tour the pair of you around now he'll need to call the guys back. Best to do that before they get too far away from his place.

"Let's see if there's anything that interests you in the kitchen."

He's probably making a face at you to coincide with the emphasis he placed on that comment. You look back to check - Yep. You return your attention to the direction you are walking to make sure you aren't going to walk into the doorframe. You aren't yet familiar enough with the layout of his place to confidently walk blindly from room to room. After entering the kitchen you pause to ponder your next move. When you had been searching for the coffee this morning you'd seen what he had stocked in the cabinets. You remember seeing rice, crackers, and a few canned goods. What did Tom have in mind to make for the meal from that hodgepodge? You've halfway blocked Tom's access to the kitchen. Instead of walking around you he wraps you up in his arms to walk-lead you further into the room before releasing you again. You lean against the kitchen table to watch him walk around the kitchen peeking into the cabinets.

"I've got um..." He reviews the choices in the refrigerator while thinking aloud. After a brief survey of the items held within Tom closes the door to the refrigerator again to shrug at you, "Um... ok I'm embarrassed. Not a lot. We can always order in, or – maybe pop out and bring something back? Watch a movie?"

You've Only Just Arrived (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now