Im dying ~sad*

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Date for story: August 20th 2020 (I know Daniel doesn't have a girlfriend but shh 🤫)
*rens pov*
I'm dying..there's not much to it..I have cancer and I haven't told anyone
I just don't want them to be sad for my last few months of being alive
So I decided to act normal as if I wasn't about to die in 5 months
My boyfriend Daniel seavey is the sweetest boy I've ever met and I just can't bare to see him sad.
It's now a couple hours before I leave this's how it went

Daniel just got home from Jonahs house because they were discussing the album release date..and I won't be here for their upcoming tours, it's sad, I wanted to see them grow, but I won't.
D: hey baby, what's up
R: nothing much
I fake smiled
D: you ok?
It's like he can see right through me
R: I'm fine
D: ok..wanna watch a movie?
R: yeah sure
Halfway through the movie I started coughing uncontrollably
Daniel had a concerned look
D: baby, omg are you ok? What's wrong
I stoped coughing
R: sorry..I uhh..choked on my spit
D: oh ok
We continued watching our movie
*1 hour later*
Our movie ended and we are now in the bedroom
Daniel is brushing his teeth and I'm laying in bed looking at all our photos together
Man..I'm gonna miss him.
Daniel walked out and got into bed
Holding me tightly
As if he knew in the next couple hours I'd be gone
*2 hours later*
I couldn't sleep..
It's now 4 am
I got up and got changed into leggings and one of Daniels sweatshirts
I went back into the room and kissed Daniel on the head before whispering
"I'm gonna miss you"
Before I left I thought I should write him a note letting him know everything..
After I wrote it I left and went to my moms house, she was the only one that knew and I wanted to say goodbye
*Daniels pov*
I woke up and reached for my girlfriend only to find out she wasn't there..
"What?" I whispered
I looked all around the house and couldn't fine, once I got back the in the room
I noticed a white piece of paper on the side of her bed
I opened and it was a letter..from her.

Dear Daniel James Seavey
Hi Daniel..your probably wondering why I'm not there...well it's complicated, but I'll get to that soon. I promise.
Anyways I've been keeping something from you for a long time probably for about 9 months now..and it kills me to know I won't ever see you again, I just couldn't bare to see you sad because I love you too much..I'm gonna tell what's happened. I have cancer Daniel and I'm sorry I didn't tell you today was my last day in earth..yes I said was because by the time your reading this I'm gonna be gone..I'm so truly sorry dani..just remember that I'll always love you and I'll miss that cute smile of yours..your dumb jokes that nobody laughs at and most of all, the way you showed people you love them..the way you showed me you loved me..I'll always be with you Daniel, no matter what, and don't forget I love you.
Yours truly
- Ren Wilson ♡︎

No..this can be happening
I was sobbing uncontrollably now
I quickly put clothes on and grabbed my keys and ran to my car
I drove to the one person I knew would know about this
Her mom
Once I got there I ran out of the car and knocked on the door
The door opened revealing a sad looking y/m/n (your moms name)
D: where is she!
Y/m/n: she....she's gone
D: n-no....she can't be
I cried
Y/m/n: I'm sorry Daniel
I dropped to my knees crying
Y/m/n kneeled and hugged me as I cried into her shoulder
Y/m/n: hey..shh it's gonna be ok Daniel..she's in a better place now
*2 months later*

she's in a better place now *2 months later*

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Caption: hey guys..I'm sure you all have heard, Daniel has sadly passed away due to his mental health and personal issues, we're so grateful for all the love he's been receiving and we will hopefully be back in tour as soon as we can, we love you all 💚
#greenfordaniel (an- I think his favorite color was or is green so I'm just using green)

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A/N this made me cry so much! I'm sor sorry if I made you cry 😭😭❤️❤️

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