Chapter 28: 'Pregnancy Test.'

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Since Chrissy and James left early this morning, the house feels empty, I had already got used to them being here and have Chrissy annoy me with her harsh wake up remedies. It's going to take a while for me to adjust to their departure.

I heard a gentle knock on my door.

"Come in."

"How are you feeling?" Asked Scarlett warmly as she enter.

"I'm okay.. Actually I'm not.." I frowned

"Whats wrong?.. Sick?"

"No uh.. I'm late." I replied nervously

"Late? What are you talking about?" She looked at me attentively

"Period late.. it's due two weeks now, I think I may be pregnant." As those words left my mouth and curled myself on my bed.

"What?! Omg! I'm going to be an aunt!"

I threw a pillow at her. "Should I be happy? I'm not sure if I'm pregnant."

"I have two pregnancy test in my bedroom drawer. You can use them" She said calmly.

"What? Since when did you carry around pregnancy test? I asked in surprise.

"Since I started having sex with rich men. Now get!" She ordered, literally pushing me towards her bedroom.

I'm not sure whether she was being sarcastic or she actually meant that. But all I really care about at this point is if I had something growing inside of me.


I came gently holding the test in my hand as I left the bathroom.

"Well.. what does it say?" She asked impatiently

"Positive! I'm pregnant...." I replied quietly

"Here try the other one. Sometimes they aren't accurate."

"Ughh! Fine."

After a few minutes I came out, and again she asked the same question.

"Well, what does it say?"

"It's um. Positive. I'm pregnant!!" I felt tears falling from my eyes. I don't know if Tyler is ready for a baby, I'm know I'm not. What will my dad say to me? Will Tyler leave me? Am going to be a bad mom? I cant get rid of the baby! Will I struggle to take care of him/her?

As those questions invaded my mind, I felt light headed and before I knew it, passed out!




Final: Chapter 29: "Heart break"


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